[Pkg-crosswire-devel] Installing and Testing (packaged) BibleTime on Ubuntu

Jonathan Marsden jmarsden at fastmail.fm
Sun Mar 29 06:43:55 BST 2009

I just created a set of instructions for installing my latest BibleTime
.deb package (and its dependencies, including libsword) onto Ubuntu.
These instructions were originally a text file of my own notes, created
during the process of trying to duplicate a bug on a machine (I used
virtual machines) other than my own development desktop.

I realized that these instructions might be helpful to others too, so
there is now a new wiki page at


describing how I am doing this.  At some stage I'll probably change the
instructions to use the pkgcrosswire team PPA instead of my personal
one.  They are also (by design) more command-line and less
point-and-click based.


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