[Pkg-crosswire-devel] Libsword - uploading to mentors ???

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at gmail.com
Fri May 29 02:52:07 BST 2009

2009/5/29 Jonathan Marsden <jmarsden at fastmail.fm>:
> Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
>> Libsword - uploading to mentors & seeking sponsorship to go into unstable ????
>> or are we backporting osis2mod (it was semi-backported to win32 platform)
> I just got BibleTime 2.0 packages out  -- today is a busy day :)
> Yes, I think we should include the osis2mod fixes; I'll do that in the
> next two hours or so, test, upload somewhere and ask Roberto to upload
> that to Debian unstable.  Not sure we really need to use
> mentors.debian.org since we have a "tame" mentor already :)

Well he doesn't use bzr-builddeb nor launchpad and last time around we
did need to put orig.tar.gz & dsc & diff.gz somewhere and
mentors.debian.org is pretty standard place for such things even if
you "know" a sponsor =D

> Can you also read over the debian/copyright, one more time, looking for
> anything we forgot that we can deal with now?

Yeah I'll do that just in case something is missing or on the contrary
slipped in.

> Thanks,
> Jonathan

With best regards

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),
Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич

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