[Pkg-crosswire-devel] Libsword - uploading to mentors ???

Jonathan Marsden jmarsden at fastmail.fm
Fri May 29 03:19:51 BST 2009

Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:

> Well he doesn't use bzr-builddeb nor launchpad and last time around we
> did need to put orig.tar.gz & dsc & diff.gz somewhere and
> mentors.debian.org is pretty standard place for such things even if
> you "know" a sponsor =D

OK.  The last several times I have asked Roberto to upload something for
me, I've put the files under http://computeroptions.net/sword/ and it
has worked out fine.  I can just scp the files there (using an SSH
public keypair) rather than remembering my login/pw for
mentors.debian.org ...

>> Can you also read over the debian/copyright, one more time, looking for
>> anything we forgot that we can deal with now?

> Yeah I'll do that just in case something is missing or on the contrary
> slipped in.

Great, thanks.


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