[Pkg-crosswire-devel] bible-kjv package update

Jonathan Marsden jmarsden at fastmail.fm
Mon Nov 9 10:05:27 GMT 2009

Roberto and team,

While looking at the (long!) list of packages that FTBFS in Ubuntu
Karmic, I've "discovered" another Debian bible package that needed some
attention, called bible-kjv.  This is apparently a native Debian package.

It is a rather basic text-mode KJV reader.

Anyway, I went ahead and fixed the FTBFS issue, and then spent far more
time on getting rid of most of the lintian warnings when building it in sid.


(1) For now I called my updated package 4.24, since the last one was
4.23.  I added myself to Uploaders: in debian/control.  Should I instead
have created an NMU?

(2) There is one lintian warning remaining which is rather strange.  It

W: bible-kjv: manpage-has-errors-from-man usr/share/man/man1/bible.1.gz
 Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character

Yet the bible.1 file looks fine, is apparently plain USASCII text, and
running what lintian -i recommends to test this:

  LANG=C MANWIDTH=80 man --warnings -l bible.1 >/dev/null

produces no warnings.  Can I safely ignore this warning?

My work so far on this is at

  dget http://crosswire.org/~jmarsden/bible-kjv_4.24.dsc

Comments and suggestions welcome.  I'd like to get this into Debian
unstable once the two issues above are dealt with.  Then it can be
synced into Ubuntu Lucid.



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