[Pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Proposed patch to cryptroot script

Swâmi Petaramesh swami at petaramesh.org
Fri Nov 23 15:32:58 UTC 2007

Hi Jonas, 

You wrote:

> As David pointed out, the 'rootdelay' parameter to initramfs already does
> what your patch proposes. It waits for the root device to be available.

No it does not !

Because in the current setup rootdelay is used only AFTER the encrypted device 
has been activated : It waits from the final root device to become available, 
but it does *NOT* wait for the encryption "host device" to be available 
before trying to activate it.

Hence my patch that does exactly this in cryptroot : Use "rootdelay" and 
replicate its exact current behaviour with the "root" device, to the 
encrypted HOST of the root device, which is activated *before* rootdelay was 

(Please Cc: me on replies to the list, as I'm not subscribed to it...)

Swâmi Petaramesh <swami at petaramesh.org> http://petaramesh.org PGP 9076E32E

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