[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#782024: Bug#782024: Bug#782024: cryptsetup: [patch] fix remote unlock of encrypted root when plymouth is installed

Jonas Meurer jonas at freesources.org
Wed Dec 23 22:11:29 UTC 2015

Am 19.12.2015 um 18:50 schrieb Guilhem Moulin:
> On Fri, 18 Dec 2015 at 19:16:56 -0500, Richard Hansen wrote:
>>  * why SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM?  seems too aggressive
>>  * perhaps add a waitpid() after the kill() to ensure that a second
>>    plymouth won't be run before the first one exits
> Agreed, but unfortunately plymouth doesn't terminate on SIGTERM.
>>  * why does cryptroot-unlock use /bin/ash instead of /bin/sh?
>>  * there are lots of BusyBox ashisms in the cryptroot-unlock script,
>>    many of which can be easily replaced with POSIX conformant code
> POSIX's read builtin doesn't support the -s flag.  Sure we can replace
> with stty with a trap to restore echo, but since busybox is a dependency
> anyway I don't think it's worth it :-P
> I've addressed the rest in the updated patch.  Thanks for your input!

I've incorporated the patch into SVN now, with some minor tweaks:

* bin/unlock in the initramfs is renamed to bin/cryptroot-unlock.
* some minor coding style changes.

Also I don't really like that we create the directory
'/usr/share/initramfs-tools/bin'. This place belongs to initramfs-tools
package in my eyes and we should at least ask the maintainers before
introducing it. I'll ask Ben in another ping mail to bug #807527 about
his option.

Guilhem, can you test the latest SVN version and verify that it works fo


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