Bug#1001626: enlightenment: Starting gkrellm or qmmp, enlightenment process takes too much cpu cycles
Ross Vandegrift
rvandegrift at debian.org
Wed Dec 15 08:22:10 GMT 2021
Control: tags -1 upstream
On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 01:29:34PM +0100, Adrian Immanuel Kiess wrote:
> Enlightenment from Debian/testing takes too much CPU cycles running instances
> of gkrellm or qmmp.
> I usually start up to eight instances of gkrellm for my virtual machines and
> starting those gkrellm
> processes inside a Enlightenment session, issues full load to one CPU core (Two
> gkrellm program instances are enough). The same applies to the program qmmp,
> which also issues high load to the machine.
One gkrellm instance on my laptop causes ~6% enlightenment cpu + ~4% Xorg CPU
on my laptop. gkrellm is constantly updating the screen - every screen update
must be composited and rendered by enlightenment & X. I also tried under gnome
on wayland. It caused about ~3% for each of 2 gnome processes - so about half
as much.
gkrellm didn't let me start multiple instances. The manpage indicates that it
prevents that for performance reasons.
You're probably best contacting the upstream developers for this issue. IRC,
email, etc info is at https://www.enlightenment.org/contact
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