Bug#1001626: enlightenment: Starting gkrellm or qmmp, enlightenment process takes too much cpu cycles
Adrian Immanuel Kiess
adrian at mx.kiess.onl
Wed Dec 15 10:37:24 GMT 2021
Dear Ross,
I can sharpen this in the way that I use the gkrellm instances remotely
over SSH connections. Also, other GTK+/GNOME3 applications executed
remotely over SSH and displayed locally on my Enlightenment XOrg window
manager session take a lot of high CPU% cycles.
Maybe this helps identify the bottle-neck.
Sometimes it takes a low CPU% percentage at start right after booting
into Englightenment, but having eight gkrellm instances (seven remotely
via SSH) make take Enlightenment one full CPU core after having it
run for a while.
This does not happen when I don't run gkrellm. Enlightenment takes as
low as 0,7-6% CPU% usage, even after having running Enlightenment for
two days. Spurring on gkrellm, the same affect happens again.
Changing the refresh time/rate of gkrellm in the gkrellm preferences
does not change the effect.
I hope this can be fixed! If no solution can be found (maybe it has to
do with some library, I don't know) I will contact
With best wishes.
Adrian Kieß
On Wed, 15 Dec 2021 00:22:10 -0800
Ross Vandegrift <rvandegrift at debian.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 01:29:34PM +0100, Adrian Immanuel Kiess wrote:
> > Enlightenment from Debian/testing takes too much CPU cycles running instances
> > of gkrellm or qmmp.
> >
> > I usually start up to eight instances of gkrellm for my virtual machines and
> > starting those gkrellm
> > processes inside a Enlightenment session, issues full load to one CPU core (Two
> > gkrellm program instances are enough). The same applies to the program qmmp,
> > which also issues high load to the machine.
> One gkrellm instance on my laptop causes ~6% enlightenment cpu + ~4% Xorg CPU
> on my laptop. gkrellm is constantly updating the screen - every screen update
> must be composited and rendered by enlightenment & X. I also tried under gnome
> on wayland. It caused about ~3% for each of 2 gnome processes - so about half
> as much.
> gkrellm didn't let me start multiple instances. The manpage indicates that it
> prevents that for performance reasons.
> You're probably best contacting the upstream developers for this issue. IRC,
> email, etc info is at https://www.enlightenment.org/contact
> Ross
With many greetings from Leipzig, Germany.
Adrian Immanuel Kieß
Gothaer Straße 34
D-04155 Leipzig
📪 — < adrian at kiess.onl >
echo "Your fortune cookie: " && /usr/games/fortune -c -s de
> (zitate) % Das Seltenste, was ich gesehen: ein alter Tyrann. -- Thales von Milet (650-560 v.Chr.)
echo "g6.lan.dac uptime: " && /usr/bin/uptime
> 11:23:11 up 22:20, 11 users, load average: 2,22, 2,52, 2,59
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