[Pkg-electronics-devel] [Ghdl-discuss] Solutions of "Debian package maintainer has retired"

Pascal Giard evilynux at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 03:12:18 UTC 2013

Hi Joris!

On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 6:30 AM, Joris van Rantwijk <joris at jorisvr.nl> wrote:
> Hello Pascal,
> A few months ago you expressed interest in sponsoring an update of
> the Debian GHDL package.

Yes. Unfortunately, time-wise, things did not improve. Actually, quite
the opposite.

> In the mean time I have made a minor update of my package. It is still
> based on the same snapshot of GHDL upstream, but a few lintian
> warnings are now resolved. The package builds without problems under
> Jessie and produces a working GHDL binary.
> My package is here:
>   http://mentors.debian.net/package/ghdl

I can not afford going in depth but on the surface it looks like
you've improved the package.
Regarding some of the decisions you've made, I'd be interesting to get
your rationale but I'll leave that to your sponsor.

As a sidenote, I see some lintian warnings that are easy to fix...
e.g. like the missing homepage field, linking to the specific license,
some typos that should be reported upstream.

> I intend to stick around and try to fix any issues that come up with
> this package. I'm willing to act as the package maintainer, at least
> until somebody more qualified shows up.

Glad to hear that.

> If still want to help with this package, please have a look. I'd like
> to get the package in testing as soon as possible. From there I will
> also try to get it into backports for wheezy.
> Another minor update will be needed when testing transitions to
> gnat-4.8, but I have already tested that and it should be easy.

I really really wish I could be your sponsor, but to be realistic, I
can't. As mentioned above, I was hoping I'd get more spare time at
some point but it's not the case. It got even worst and I'm wearing
three pro/job hats now (PhD student, Course lecturer and research

I'm sorry but i guess that at this point the best course of action is
to try to find a sponsor on mentors.debian.net.

Best regards,

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Debian GNU/Linux (http://www.debian.org)
COMunité/LACIME: École de technologie supérieure (http://www.comunite.ca)
ISIP Laboratory: McGill (http://www.isip.ece.mcgill.ca)

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