[Pkg-electronics-devel] [Ghdl-discuss] Solutions of "Debian package maintainer has retired"

Joris van Rantwijk joris at jorisvr.nl
Mon Nov 25 23:09:34 UTC 2013

Hello Brian,

On 2013-11-23, Brian Drummond wrote:
> May I ask which release-critical bug you mean? 

I mean the fact that ghdl-0.29+gcc4.3.4+dfsg-1.1 depends on gnat-4.4
which is not available in Debian jessie. This is a Debian specific
issue, it is not an upstream bug.

> I'm looking to build GHDL with the gcc4.8.2 release. (I had it
> building earlier with what I thought was 4.8 but was actually "trunk"
> heading for 4.9!)

I briefly looked at building with GCC 4.8 source and found that it is
far beyond my skills. If you are able to make the upstream changes to
GHDL needed to build with GCC 4.8 source, that would be an important
step forward.

> It would also be worth checking with Ludovic Brenta, the Debian Ada
> maintainer, what the near term plans for Gnat are, (if 4.8.x is ready)
> as it would be nice to finally get gcc, Gnat and ghdl back in sync.

I believe gnat-4.8 is already available in Debian Jessie. I have
compiled GHDL with GCC 4.8 and Gnat 4.8 without any problems (while
still embedding GHDL in the GCC 4.7 source code).

My first priority is to get the GHDL Debian package into the archive.
The build process is somewhat fragile, so I would like to see that the
current package builds correctly on all architectures before I make
further changes.

Any Debian developers here?


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