[Pkg-electronics-devel] qflow VLSI chain

Ruben Undheim ruben.undheim at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 19:46:46 UTC 2014

Hi Ahmed,

Thanks a lot for replying and showing interest!

>   Unfortunately I am not a DD. I'm not sure if Hamish (the only
>   remaining DD in that team, as far as I know) is following. Yet I would
>   encourage you to join the team [1].
>   I see that you are using git for your packaging work, by the joining
>   the team you can have the git repo on Alioth.

I will consider joining the team.

>   Would you also include the pristine-tar in the git packaging ? I
>   wonder if you are using git-buildpackage ?

I haven't used any of these tools before. I have a custom script that
works just fine
for getting upstream and build a clean deb-package, and I would appreciate
not having to learn a new procedure for this just now unless it offers
some clear
simplification of the workflow or that it is required.

>   Just done a quick check on qrouter, and I have a few comments:
>   * debian/copyright says that upstream license is GPL-2, though I don't
>     find anything indicating that it is GPL-2. Upstream's COPYRIGHT
>     seems to be GPL-1.

To me it seems to be version 2. On line 3 in COPYRIGHT it says clearly
"Version 2",
but I haven't checked the rest of the file content.

>   * In override_dh_install, you do: cp qrouter.sh qrouter
>     I think you should remove 'qrouter' in dh_clean, you can do this by
>     adding 'qrouter' to a debian/clean file.

I will fix this.

>   * I wonder if the libdir should be /usr/lib/qrouter or
>     /usr/lib/<multiarchdir>/qrouter

It would be good to find out this. It doesn't contain any
.so-libraries needed by other
binaries. It just contains some binaries and .tcl-scripts, so I'm not
really sure
where it should be. It can't be in  /usr/share because then I get a
lintian saying
that no arch-dependent files can be in /usr/share.
Another thing is that the path must be known by the package for qflow
so it should
be a fixed and "logical" location.

Best regards,

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