[Pkg-electronics-devel] Latest KLayout

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Wed Aug 31 07:19:00 BST 2022

Hello Thomas,

Am 30.08.22 um 22:50 schrieb Thomas Dorch:
> Hi,
> I re-patched #977415 using the patch queue, but still wasn't able to get 
> #977416 set up as a patch. I think this has to do with it modifying the 
> debian/rules file and it's somehow getting unapplied during gbp's 
> patching process.
> Instead, I added a git commit and set the author and date the same way 
> as the other patch, but on master rather than on the patch queue. Is 
> this sufficient? If not, do you have any idea how I can get the patch 
> working on patch queue?

you've added the patch from #977415 in 
88ffd267c479e1a37597508d572b40509004801e [1] as a commit to (correctly) 
extend the patch queue and the patch from #977415 in 
4aa9d97dcc1970cb3ba705311a7e5840afc92886 [2] right after the first one.

So all things are done. Or I don't understand your question.

BTW: The first patch in the patch-queue will probably need an update too 
as unstable/testing now already has switched to Python 3.10.



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