Bug#264842: marked as done (Catalan translation)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Sat, 28 Aug 2004 02:48:11 -0700
Your message dated Sat, 28 Aug 2004 05:32:06 -0400
with message-id <E1C0zZ8-0004IL-00@newraff.debian.org>
and subject line Bug#264842: fixed in exim4 4.34-4sarge1
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.
(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere. Please contact me immediately.)
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 18:20:11 +0200
From: Jordi Mallach <jordi@debian.org>
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Catalan translation
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Attached update :)
Jordi Mallach P=E9rez -- Debian developer http://www.debian.org/
jordi@sindominio.net jordi@debian.org http://www.sindominio.net/
GnuPG public key information available at http://oskuro.net/~jordi/
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# exim4 (debconf) translation to Catalan.=0A# Copyright =C2=A9 2004 Free So=
ftware Foundation, Inc.=0A# Aleix Badia i Bosch <a.badia@callusdigital.org>=
, 2004.=0A# Jordi Mallach <jordi@debian.org>, 2004.=0A# =0Amsgid ""=0Amsgst=
r ""=0A"Project-Id-Version: exim4_4.30-5_templates\n"=0A"Report-Msgid-Bugs-=
To: \n"=0A"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-07-27 17:08+0200\n"=0A"PO-Revision-Date:=
2004-08-10 17:38+0100\n"=0A"Last-Translator: Jordi Mallach <jordi@debian.o=
rg>\n"=0A"Language-Team: Catalan <debian-l10n-catalan@lists.debian.org>\n"=
=0A"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"=0A"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3DUTF-8\n"=0A=
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=
=0A#: ../exim4-base.templates.master:4=0Amsgid "Remove undelivered mails in=
spool directory?"=0Amsgstr "Voleu suprimir els correus del directori de ge=
sti=C3=B3 de cues?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-ba=
se.templates.master:4=0Amsgid ""=0A"There are mails in the exim spool direc=
tory /var/spool/exim4/input which "=0A"have not yet been delivered. You can=
keep them in case you decide to re-"=0A"install Exim at a later date, or y=
ou can choose to remove them."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"En el directori de gesti=C3=
=B3 de cues de l'exim /var/spool/exim4/input hi ha "=0A"correus que encara =
no s'han enviat. Els podeu mantenir si posteriorment "=0A"preteneu instal=
=C2=B7lar l'Exim, o podeu escollir suprimir-los."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#=
=2E Description=0A#: ../exim4-base.templates.master:12=0Amsgid "Move yet un=
delivered mails from exim(v3) to exim4 spool?"=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Voleu moure e=
ls correus no enviats de la gesti=C3=B3 de cues de l'exim(v3) a la "=0A"de =
l'exim4?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-base.templat=
es.master:12=0Amsgid ""=0A"There are some undelivered mails in the spool di=
rectory of exim or exim-tls "=0A"in /var/spool/exim/input/. They can be mo=
ved to exim4's spool (/var/spool/"=0A"exim4/input/) now where they will be =
handled by exim4."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"En el directori de gesti=C3=B3 de cues de=
l'exim o l'exim-tls /var/spool/exim4/"=0A"input, hi ha correus no enviats.=
Es poden moure al directori de gesti=C3=B3 de "=0A"cues de l'exim4 (/var/s=
pool/exim4/input) on els gestionar=C3=A0 l'exim4."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A=
#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-base.templates.master:12=0Amsgid ""=0A"Be awar=
e that this works only one-way, exim4 can handle exim(v3)'s spool but "=0A"=
not the other way round."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Recordeu que nom=C3=A9s funciona e=
n un sentit, l'exim4 pot gestionar la gesti=C3=B3 de "=0A"cues de l'exim(v3=
) per=C3=B2 no a la inversa."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: .=
=2E/exim4-base.templates.master:12=0Amsgid ""=0A"Move the mails only if you=
don't plan to go back to exim(v3), otherwise the "=0A"mail shouldn't be mo=
ved now but manually once you've converted your setup."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Move=
u els correus =C3=BAnicament si no us plantegeu tornar a l'exim(v3), en cas=
"=0A"contrari no ho feu ara, per=C3=B2 si manualment un cop convertida la =
configuraci=C3=B3."=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Choices=0A#. Translators bewa=
re! the following six strings form a single=0A#. Choices menu. - Every one =
of these strings has to fit in a standard=0A#. 80 characters console, as th=
e fancy screen setup takes up some space=0A#. try to keep below ~72 charact=
ers.=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:7=0Amsgid "internet site; mail i=
s sent and received directly using SMTP"=0Amsgstr ""=0A"lloc d'internet; el=
correu s'envia i es rep directament utilitzant l'SMTP"=0A=0A#. Type: selec=
t=0A#. Choices=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:7=0Amsgid "mail sent b=
y smarthost; received via SMTP or fetchmail"=0Amsgstr ""=0A"el correu s'env=
ia a trav=C3=A9s de l'smarthost i es rep via SMTP o fetchmail"=0A=0A#. Type=
: select=0A#. Choices=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:7=0Amsgid "mail=
sent by smarthost; no local mail"=0Amsgstr "el correu s'envia a trav=C3=A9=
s de l'smarthost i no hi ha correu local"=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Choices=
=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:7=0Amsgid "local delivery only; not =
on a network"=0Amsgstr "nom=C3=A9s enviament local; no est=C3=A0 en una xar=
xa"=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Choices=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master=
:7=0Amsgid "manually convert from handcrafted Exim v3 configuration"=0Amsgs=
tr "conversi=C3=B3 manual de la configuraci=C3=B3 personalitzada de l'Exim =
v3"=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Choices=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master=
:7=0Amsgid "no configuration at this time"=0Amsgstr "en aquests moments est=
=C3=A0 configurat"=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-conf=
ig.templates.master:8=0Amsgid "General type of mail configuration:"=0Amsgst=
r "Configuraci=C3=B3 del correu de tipus general:"=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#=
=2E Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:8=0Amsgid "Select the=
configuration type that best meets your needs."=0Amsgstr "Seleccioneu el t=
ipus de configuraci=C3=B3 que us interessi."=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Desc=
ription=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:8=0Amsgid ""=0A"Systems with =
dynamic IP addresses, including dialup systems, should "=0A"generally be co=
nfigured to send outgoing mail to another machine, called a "=0A"\"smart ho=
st\" for delivery. You can choose to receive mail on such a "=0A"system; or=
to have no local mail delivery, except mail for root and "=0A"postmaster."=
=0Amsgstr "Els sistemes amb adreces d'IP din=C3=A0miques, inclosos els sist=
emes de marcatge directe, probablement s'haurien de configurar per enviar e=
l correu de sortida a un altre ordinador anomenat \"smart host\", per al se=
u lliurament. Podeu escollir rebre el correu en un sistema d'aquest tipus o=
no tenir lliurament de correu local exceptuant el correu del root i el pos=
tmaster."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templ=
ates.master:19=0Amsgid "Configure Exim4 manually?"=0Amsgstr "Voleu configur=
ar l'Exim4 manualment?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim=
4-config.templates.master:19=0Amsgid ""=0A"You indicated that you have a ha=
ndcrafted Exim 3 configuration. To convert "=0A"this to Exim 4, you can use=
the exim_convert4r4(8) tool after the "=0A"installation. Consult /usr/shar=
e/doc/exim4-base/examples/example.conf.gz "=0A"and /usr/share/doc/exim4-bas=
e/README.Debian.gz!"=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Heu indicat que disposeu d'una configur=
aci=C3=B3 personalitzada de l'Exim 3. Per "=0A"convertir-la a l'Exim 4 pode=
u utilitzar l'eina exim_convert4r4(8) despr=C3=A9s de "=0A"la instal=C2=B7l=
aci=C3=B3. Vegeu el fitxer /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/examples/example."=0A"=
conf.gz i /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=
=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:19=0Amsgid ""=0A"Un=
til your mail system is configured, it will be broken and cannot be used."=
=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Fins que el sistema de correu no estigui configurat no func=
ionar=C3=A0 "=0A"correctament i no es podr=C3=A0 utilitzar."=0A=0A#. Type: =
boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:32=0Amsgid "=
Really leave the mail system unconfigured?"=0Amsgstr "Esteu segur de deixar=
desconfigurat el sistema de correu?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Descriptio=
n=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:32=0Amsgid ""=0A"Until your mail sy=
stem is configured, it will be broken and cannot be used. "=0A"You can of c=
ourse configure it later, either by hand or by running \"dpkg-"=0A"reconfig=
ure exim4-config\" as root."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Fins que el sistema de correu n=
o estigui configurat no funcionar=C3=A0 "=0A"correctament i no es pot utili=
tzar. El podeu configurar posteriorment, "=0A"manualment o executant l'ordr=
e \"dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config\" com a "=0A"superusuari."=0A=0A#. Type: =
string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:39=0Amsgid "S=
ystem mail name:"=0Amsgstr "Nom del correu del sistema:"=0A=0A#. Type: stri=
ng=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:39=0Amsgid ""=0A"=
Your \"mail name\" is the hostname portion of the address to be shown on "=
=0A"outgoing news and mail messages (following the username and @ sign) unl=
ess "=0A"hidden with rewriting."=0Amsgstr "El \"nom del correu\" =C3=A9s la=
porci=C3=B3 del nom de l'ordinador principal de l'adre=C3=A7a que es mostr=
ar=C3=A0 als missatges dels correus i not=C3=ADcies (seguint el nom d'usuar=
i i el s=C3=ADmbol @) si no s'amaga amb reescriptura."=0A=0A#. Type: string=
=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:39=0Amsgid ""=0A"Th=
is name will also be used by other programs; it should be the single, full =
"=0A"domain name (FQDN) from which mail will appear to originate."=0Amsgstr=
"Aquest nom tamb=C3=A9 ser=C3=A0 utilitzat per altres programes; hauria de=
ser el nom =C3=BAnic, complet del domini (FQDN) des del que semblar=C3=A0 =
que s'origina el correu."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exi=
m4-config.templates.master:39=0Amsgid ""=0A"This name won't appear on From:=
lines of outgoing mails if you enable "=0A"rewriting."=0Amsgstr "Aquest no=
m no apareixer=C3=A0 en les l=C3=ADnies From: del correu de sortida si habi=
liteu la reescriptura."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4=
-config.templates.master:53=0Amsgid "Other destinations for which mail is a=
ccepted:"=0Amsgstr "D'altres destinacions per a les quals s'accepta correu:=
"=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.mast=
er:53=0Amsgid ""=0A"Please enter a list of domains for which this machine s=
hould consider itself "=0A"the final destination, apart from the mail name =
(${mailname}) and \"localhost"=0A"\"."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Introdu=C3=AFu la lli=
sta de dominis que s'haurien de considerar dest=C3=AD final, a "=0A"part de=
l nom del correu (${mailname}) i \"localhost\"."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. =
Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:53=0Amsgid ""=0A"By defau=
lt all domains will be treated the same; if you want different "=0A"domain =
names to be treated differently, you will need to edit the config "=0A"file=
s afterwards."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Per defecte tots els dominis es tracten igual=
, si voleu tractar-los "=0A"diferent, posteriorment haureu d'editar els fit=
xers de configuraci=C3=B3."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../e=
xim4-config.templates.master:53=0Amsgid ""=0A"If there are any more, enter =
them here, separated by colons. You may leave "=0A"this blank if there are =
none."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Si n'hi ha m=C3=BAltiples, els podeu entrar separats =
per punts. Deixeu-ho en "=0A"blanc si no n'hi ha cap."=0A=0A#. Type: string=
=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:68=0Amsgid "Domains=
to relay mail for:"=0Amsgstr "Dominis del qual =C3=A9s repetidor:"=0A=0A#.=
Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:68=0Am=
sgid "Please enter here the domains for which you accept to relay the mail.=
"=0Amsgstr "Introdu=C3=AFu els dominis dels quals sou repetidor de correu."=
=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.maste=
r:68=0Amsgid ""=0A"Such domains are domains for which you are prepared to a=
ccept mail from "=0A"anywhere on the Internet. Do not mention local domains=
here."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Aquests dominis s=C3=B3n dominis dels quals esteu pr=
eparat per acceptar correu "=0A"des de qualsevol punt d'internet. No hi feu=
refer=C3=A8ncia als dominis locals."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=
=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:68=0Amsgid ""=0A"The domains you ent=
er here should be separated by colons. Wildcards may be "=0A"used."=0Amsgst=
r "Introdu=C3=AFu els dominis separats per punts. Es poden utilitzar comodi=
ns."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.m=
aster:80=0Amsgid "Machines to relay mail for:"=0Amsgstr "Ordinadors dels qu=
als sou repetidor:"=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-con=
fig.templates.master:80=0Amsgid ""=0A"Please enter here the networks of loc=
al machines for which you accept to "=0A"relay the mail."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"In=
trodu=C3=AFu les xares d'ordinadors locals dels quals sou repetidor de corr=
eu.<"=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.=
master:80=0Amsgid ""=0A"This should include a list of all machines that wil=
l use us as a smarthost."=0Amsgstr "Aix=C3=B2 hauria d'incloure una llista =
de tots els ordinadors que ens utilitzaran com a =C2=ABsmart host=C2=BB."=
=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.maste=
r:80=0Amsgid ""=0A"If there are any, enter them here, separated by colons. =
You should use the "=0A"standard address/length format (e.g.
24)."=0Amsgstr "Si n'hi ha algun introdu=C3=AFu-lo aqu=C3=AD separat per pu=
nts. Haur=C3=ADeu d'utilitzar el format adre=C3=A7a/longitud est=C3=A0ndard=
(ex."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim=
4-config.templates.master:80=0Amsgid ""=0A"You need to double the colons in=
IPv6 addresses (e.g. "=0A"5f03::1200::836f::::/48)"=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Utilitz=
eu dos punts per les adreces d'IPv6 (ex.5f03::1200::836f::::/48)"=0A=0A#. T=
ype: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:94=0Amsg=
id "Visible domain name for local users:"=0Amsgstr "Nom del domini visible =
pels usuaris locals:"=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-c=
onfig.templates.master:94=0Amsgid ""=0A"Since you enabled hiding the local =
mailname in outgoing mail, you must "=0A"specify the domain name to use for=
mail from local users; typically this is "=0A"the machine on which you nor=
mally receive your mail."=0Amsgstr "Ja que heu triat amagar el nom del corr=
eu local en el correu de sortida, heu d'especificar el nom de domini a util=
itzar pel correu dels usuaris locals; normalment =C3=A9s l'ordinador que ut=
ilitzeu per rebre correu."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../ex=
im4-config.templates.master:94=0Amsgid "Where will your users read their ma=
il?"=0Amsgstr "D'on llegiran el correu els usuaris?"=0A=0A#. Type: string=
=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:103=0Amsgid "Machin=
e handling outgoing mail for this host (smarthost):"=0Amsgstr "Ordinador qu=
e gestiona el correu de sortida d'aquest (smarthost):"=0A=0A#. Type: string=
=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:103=0Amsgid "Enter =
the hostname of the machine to which outgoing mail is sent."=0Amsgstr ""=0A=
"Introdu=C3=AFu el nom de l'ordinador principal a on s'envia el correu de s=
ortida."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templat=
es.master:103=0Amsgid ""=0A"Refer to /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.SMTP-=
AUTH for notes about setting "=0A"up SMTP authentication."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"P=
er veure informaci=C3=B3 sobre la configuraci=C3=B3 de l'autenticaci=C3=B3 =
de l'SMTP, "=0A"vegeu el document /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.SMTP-AUT=
H."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.ma=
ster:111=0Amsgid "Root and postmaster mail recipient:"=0Amsgstr "Destinatar=
i de correu de root i de postmaster:"=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=
=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:111=0Amsgid ""=0A"Mail for the \"pos=
tmaster\", \"root\", and other system accounts is usually "=0A"redirected t=
o the user account of the actual system administrator. If you "=0A"leave th=
is value empty, such mail will be saved in /var/mail/mail, which is "=0A"no=
t recommended. Note that postmaster's mail should be read on the system to =
"=0A"which it is directed, rather than being forwarded elsewhere, so (at le=
ast "=0A"one of) the users you choose should not redirect their mail off th=
is "=0A"machine. Use a \"real-\" prefix to force local delivery."=0Amsgstr =
"=C3=89s habitual redirigir el correu per al =C2=ABpostmaster=C2=BB, =C2=AB=
root=C2=BB i altres comptes del sistema al compte d'usuari real de l'admini=
strador del sistema. Si deixeu aquest valor buit, aquest correu es desar=C3=
=A0 en /var/mail/mail, cosa no recomanada. Teniu en compte que el correu de=
l postmaster s'hauria de llegir en el sistema al qual es dirigeix, en compt=
es de reenviar-lo a qualsevol altre lloc, aix=C3=AD (al menys un) els usuar=
is que trieu no haurien de redireccionar el seu correu fora d'aquest servid=
or. Utilitzeu un prefix =C2=ABreal-=C2=BB per a for=C3=A7ar l'enviament loc=
al."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.m=
aster:111=0Amsgid "Enter one or more usernames separated by spaces."=0Amsgs=
tr "Introdu=C3=AFu un o m=C3=A9s noms d'usuari separats per espais."=0A=0A#=
=2E Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:12=
6=0Amsgid "Overwrite existing /etc/aliases?"=0Amsgstr "Voleu sobreescriure =
el fitxer /etc/aliases?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exi=
m4-config.templates.master:126=0Amsgid ""=0A"You already have an /etc/alias=
es file, but it does not redirect mail for "=0A"root to a user account, whi=
ch is strongly recommended. If you accept "=0A"overwriting it, the old file=
will be kept and renamed to aliases.O."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Ja disposeu d'una f=
itxer /etc/aliases tot i no redireccionar el correu dels "=0A"comptes d'usu=
ari de root. Si accepteu sobreescriure'l, el fitxer antic es "=0A"desar=C3=
=A0 amb el nom d'aliases.0."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../=
exim4-config.templates.master:134=0Amsgid "IP-addresses to listen on for in=
coming SMTP connections:"=0Amsgstr "Adre=C3=A7a d'IP on es vincula les conn=
exions d'entrada de l'SMTP:"=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../=
exim4-config.templates.master:134=0Amsgid ""=0A"Enter a colon-separated lis=
t of IP-addresses to listen on. You need to "=0A"double the colons in IPv6=
addresses (e.g. 5f03::1200::836f::::)."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Introdu=C3=AFu una =
llista d'adreces d'IP on es vincula separades per dos punts. "=0A"En les a=
dreces d'IPv6 haureu de posar dos punts dobles (ex. "=0A"5f03::1200::836f::=
::)."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.=
master:134=0Amsgid ""=0A"If you leave this value empty, Exim will listen fo=
r connections on the SMTP "=0A"port of all available network interfaces."=
=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Si deixeu aquest camp en blanc l'Exim es vincular=C3=A0 al =
port SMTP de totes les "=0A"interf=C3=ADcies de xarxa disponibles."=0A=0A#.=
Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:134=0A=
msgid ""=0A"If this computer does not receive e-mail directly per SMTP from=
OTHER hosts, "=0A"but only from local services like fetchmail or your e-ma=
il program (MUA) "=0A"talking to localhost you should prohibit external con=
nections to Exim by "=0A"setting this option to and therefore dis=
abling listening on public "=0A"network interfaces."=0Amsgstr "Si aquest or=
dinador no reb correu directament per SMTP des de ALTRES servidors, nom=C3=
=A9s de serveis locals com fetchmail o el vostre programa de correu (MUA) q=
ue parla amb localhost, haurieu de prohibir les connexions externes a Exim =
establint aquesta opci=C3=B3 a 127.0.0.l1 i aix=C3=AD inhabilitant que s'es=
colte en interf=C3=ADcies de xarxa p=C3=BAbliques."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=
=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:150=0Amsgid "Keep n=
umber of DNS-queries minimal (Dial-on-Demand)?"=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Voleu manten=
ir el nombre m=C3=ADnim de consultes de DNS possibles (marcatge sota "=0A"d=
emanda)?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templ=
ates.master:150=0Amsgid ""=0A"In normal mode of operation Exim makes DNS-lo=
okups at startup, when "=0A"receiving or delivering message, etc. for loggi=
ng purposes and to keep the "=0A"number of hard-coded values in the configu=
ration file small."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"En el mode normal d'execuci=C3=B3 de l'E=
xim, realitza consultes de DNS a "=0A"l'arrencada, quan rep o envia missatg=
es, etc. per q=C3=BCestions de registre i "=0A"per mantenir un nombre petit=
de valors escrits al fitxer de configuraci=C3=B3."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=
=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:150=0Amsgid ""=0A"I=
f this were a host without permanent DNS-nameserver-access using Dial-on-"=
=0A"Demand this might have the unwanted consequence that starting up exim o=
r "=0A"running the queue (even with no messages waiting) might trigger a co=
stly "=0A"dial-up-event."=0Amsgstr "Si aquest fos un ordinador sense acc=C3=
=A9s permanent a servidors de noms DNS que utilitza marcatge per comanda ai=
x=C3=B2 pot tenir la conseq=C3=BC=C3=A8ncia no desitjada que iniciar exim o=
executar la cua (incl=C3=BAs amb cap missatge esperant) pot iniciar un eve=
nt de marcatge amb un cost."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ..=
/exim4-config.templates.master:150=0Amsgid ""=0A"Enable this feature if you=
are using Dial-on-Demand; otherwise, disable it."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Habiliteu=
l'opci=C3=B3 si utilitzeu marcatge sota demanda; en cas contrari "=0A"inha=
biliteu-la."=0A=0A#. Type: title=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.temp=
lates.master:164=0Amsgid "Configuring Exim v4 (exim4-config)"=0Amsgstr "S'e=
st=C3=A0 configurant l'Exim v4 (exim4-config)"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. D=
escription=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:168=0Amsgid "Split configu=
ration into small files?"=0Amsgstr "Voleu dividir la configuraci=C3=B3 en f=
itxers petits?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config=
=2Etemplates.master:168=0Amsgid ""=0A"The Debian exim4 packages can either =
use a single monolithic file (/etc/"=0A"exim4/exim4.conf.template) or about=
40 small files in /etc/exim4/conf.d/ to "=0A"generate the final configurat=
ion."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Per generar la configuraci=C3=B3 final, el paquets exi=
m4 de Debian poden "=0A"utilitzar un =C3=BAnic fitxer (/etc/exim4/exim4.con=
f.template) o 40 fitxers "=0A"petits a /etc/exim4/conf.d/. "=0A=0A#. Type: =
boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:168=0Amsgid =
""=0A"The former is better suited for large modifications and is generally =
more "=0A"stable, whereas the latter offers a comfortable way to make small=
er "=0A"modifications but is more fragile and might break if modified exten=
sively."=0Amsgstr "La primera opci=C3=B3 =C3=A9s millor per a modificacions=
grans i =C3=A9s m=C3=A9s estable, mentre que la segona ofereix una manera =
c=C3=B2moda de fer canvis petits per=C3=B2 =C3=A9s m=C3=A9s fr=C3=A0gil i p=
ot trencar-se si es modifica molt."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=
=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:168=0Amsgid "If you are unsure then =
you should not use split configuration."=0Amsgstr "Si no n'esteu segur no h=
aurieu de dividir la configuraci=C3=B3."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Descrip=
tion=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:182=0Amsgid "Hide local mail nam=
e in outgoing mail?"=0Amsgstr "Voleu amagar el nom de correu local al corre=
u de sortida?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.=
templates.master:182=0Amsgid ""=0A"The headers of outgoing mail can be rewr=
itten to make it appear to have been "=0A"generated on a different system, =
replacing \"${mailname}\" \"localhost\" and "=0A"\"${dc_other_hostnames}\" =
in From, Reply-To, Sender and Return-Path."=0Amsgstr "Les cap=C3=A7aleres d=
el correu de sortida es poden reescriure per a fer que semblen haver sigut =
generades en un sistema diferent, reempla=C3=A7ant =C2=AB${mailname}=C2=BB,=
=C2=ABlocalhost=C2=BB i =C2=AB{dc_other_hostnames}=C2=BB en els From, Repl=
y-To, Sender i Return-Path."=0A=0A#~ msgid ""=0A#~ "If you are configuring =
this system as 'satellite' this name won't appear "=0A#~ "on From: lines of=
mail, as rewriting is used."=0A#~ msgstr ""=0A#~ "Si configureu el sistema=
com a 'satellite', el nom no apareixer=C3=A0 a les "=0A#~ "l=C3=ADnies Fro=
m: del correu perqu=C3=A8 s'utilitza la reescriptura."=0A=0A#~ msgid ""=0A#=
~ "Obviously, any machines that use us as a smarthost have to be excluded "=
=0A#~ "from the relaying controls, as using us to relay mail for them is th=
e "=0A#~ "whole point."=0A#~ msgstr ""=0A#~ "Qualsevol ordinador que utilit=
zi aquest com a smarthost s'ha d'excloure "=0A#~ "dels controls de repetici=
=C3=B3, ja que la repetici=C3=B3 del seu correu =C3=A9s la "=0A#~ "=C3=BAni=
ca cosa important."=0A=0A#~ msgid ""=0A#~ "Mail for the \"postmaster\" and =
\"root\" accounts is usually redirected "=0A#~ "to one or more user account=
s of the actual system administrators. The "=0A#~ "default is to set things=
up so that mail for \"postmaster\" and for "=0A#~ "various system accounts=
is redirected to \"root\", and mail for \"root\" "=0A#~ "is redirected to =
a real user. This can be changed by editing /etc/"=0A#~ "aliases."=0A#~ ms=
gstr ""=0A#~ "Normalment el correu dels comptes \"postmaster\" i \"root\" e=
s "=0A#~ "redirecciona a un o m=C3=A9s comptes dels administradors del sist=
ema. La "=0A#~ "configuraci=C3=B3 predeterminada =C3=A9s que redireccioni e=
l compte \"postmaster\" "=0A#~ "i d'altres a \"root\", i el correu de \"roo=
t\" es redireccioni a l'usuari "=0A#~ "real. Es pot modificar editant el fi=
txer /etc/aliases."=0A=0A#~ msgid ""=0A#~ "Note that postmaster-mail should=
usually be read on the system to which "=0A#~ "it is directed, rather than=
being forwarded elsewhere, so (at least one "=0A#~ "of) the users you choo=
se should not redirect their mail off this machine."=0A#~ msgstr ""=0A#~ "R=
ecordeu que el correu del compte postmaster s'hauria de llegir des del "=0A=
#~ "sistema on es direcciona, m=C3=A9s que no pas redireccionar-lo a fora. =
=C3=89s per "=0A#~ "aix=C3=B2 que com a m=C3=ADnim un usuari no hauria de r=
edireccionar el correu fora "=0A#~ "de l'ordinador."=0A=0A#~ msgid ""=0A#~ =
"System administrator mail goes to which user accounts? Enter one or more "=
=0A#~ "usernames separated by spaces or commas. Enter \"none\" if you do n=
ot "=0A#~ "want to redirect the mail. - NB this is strongly discouraged. Ex=
im cannot "=0A#~ "run deliveries as root and will save the mail to /var/mai=
l/mail Also, "=0A#~ "note that usernames should be lowercase!"=0A#~ msgstr=
""=0A#~ "A quin compte d'usuari s'ha de redireccionar el correu de l'admin=
istrador "=0A#~ "del sistema? Introdu=C3=AFu un o m=C3=A9s noms d'usuari se=
parats per espais o "=0A#~ "comes. Introdu=C3=AFu \"non\" si no voleu redir=
eccionar el correu. - No =C3=A9s "=0A#~ "recomanable. L'exim no pot reparti=
r els missatges com a usuari i els "=0A#~ "desar=C3=A0 a /var/mail/mail. Re=
cordeu que els noms d'usuari han d'estar en "=0A#~ "min=C3=BAscules."=0A
Received: (at 264842-close) by bugs.debian.org; 28 Aug 2004 09:38:04 +0000
>From katie@ftp-master.debian.org Sat Aug 28 02:38:04 2004
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id 1C0zZ8-0004IL-00; Sat, 28 Aug 2004 05:32:06 -0400
From: Andreas Metzler <ametzler@debian.org>
To: 264842-close@bugs.debian.org
X-Katie: $Revision: 1.51 $
Subject: Bug#264842: fixed in exim4 4.34-4sarge1
Message-Id: <E1C0zZ8-0004IL-00@newraff.debian.org>
Sender: Archive Administrator <katie@ftp-master.debian.org>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 05:32:06 -0400
Delivered-To: 264842-close@bugs.debian.org
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X-CrossAssassin-Score: 4
Source: exim4
Source-Version: 4.34-4sarge1
We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
exim4, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive:
to pool/main/e/exim4/exim4-base_4.34-4sarge1_i386.deb
to pool/main/e/exim4/exim4-config_4.34-4sarge1_all.deb
to pool/main/e/exim4/exim4-daemon-heavy_4.34-4sarge1_i386.deb
to pool/main/e/exim4/exim4-daemon-light_4.34-4sarge1_i386.deb
to pool/main/e/exim4/exim4_4.34-4sarge1.diff.gz
to pool/main/e/exim4/exim4_4.34-4sarge1.dsc
to pool/main/e/exim4/exim4_4.34-4sarge1_all.deb
to pool/main/e/exim4/eximon4_4.34-4sarge1_i386.deb
A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is
Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed. If you
have further comments please address them to 264842@bugs.debian.org,
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.
Debian distribution maintenance software
Andreas Metzler <ametzler@debian.org> (supplier of updated exim4 package)
(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing ftpmaster@debian.org)
Hash: SHA1
Format: 1.7
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 10:32:28 +0200
Source: exim4
Binary: eximon4 exim4-daemon-custom exim4-daemon-heavy exim4-base exim4 exim4-daemon-light exim4-config
Architecture: source i386 all
Version: 4.34-4sarge1
Distribution: testing-proposed-updates
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Exim4 Maintainers <pkg-exim4-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Andreas Metzler <ametzler@debian.org>
exim4 - An MTA (Mail Transport Agent)
exim4-base - EXperimental Internal Mailer -- a Mail Transport Agent
exim4-config - Debian configuration for exim4
exim4-daemon-heavy - Exim (v4) with extended features, including exiscan-acl
exim4-daemon-light - Lightweight version of the Exim (v4) MTA
eximon4 - X monitor for the Exim (v4) mail transport agent
Closes: 261912 261994 262607 264842 267524 267603 268168
exim4 (4.34-4sarge1) testing-proposed-updates; urgency=low
* Upload to tpu because it looks like switching to gnutls11 will not be
possible for sarge. This is 4.34-5 with these changes:
- use gnutls10
- post 4.34-5 translation updates and additions. (zh_TW, bg and nl).
* zh_TW translation of debconf templates by Tetralet. (Closes: #267524)
* bg (Bulgarian) translation of debconf templates by Ognyan Kulev
(Closes: #267603)
* updated translations:
- eu (Basque) by Piarres Beobide EgaƱa. (Closes: #261912)
- ca (Catalan) by Jordi Mallach. (Closes: #264842)
- nl (Dutch) by Bart Cornelis. (Closes: #268168)
* Fix broken permissions (not readable for group/other) in upstream tarball
in clean target (thanks to Steve Langasek for help with find). This fixes
"dpkg-buildpackage -rsudo && dpkg-buildpackage -rsudo". (Closes: #262607)
* Stop daemon in "exim4-base.postrm remove". - Under specific circumstances
apt seems to purge -base before removing the depending package (-daemon),
therefore the daemon would not be stopped. (Closes: #261994)
f13b08006409f8258b4609147e64cbea 1074 mail important exim4_4.34-4sarge1.dsc
8965eb7c93526b0f4310dab3ada67483 473790 mail important exim4_4.34-4sarge1.diff.gz
bc335629851ea3f03ed9472d8786c06e 785642 mail important exim4-base_4.34-4sarge1_i386.deb
0457e5d0b5bcceeacaca6cb18f6ae732 346560 mail important exim4-daemon-light_4.34-4sarge1_i386.deb
fe981cfa8929fbe95f31023dc59a9470 69890 mail optional eximon4_4.34-4sarge1_i386.deb
4645d1961e968af71cd520f6f9889b9e 416130 mail optional exim4-daemon-heavy_4.34-4sarge1_i386.deb
9fadbb9a15f0cdd0d821fc754eb8de6c 178542 mail important exim4-config_4.34-4sarge1_all.deb
6709dc611ef5bd9cb08e3d0b8c95ffcc 1200 mail important exim4_4.34-4sarge1_all.deb
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)