RFH: Removals - exim

Martin Michlmayr tbm at cyrius.com
Wed Jul 18 08:05:46 UTC 2007


exim: 36599 39726 59134 77586 83000 85750 85898 86570 94747 95325 95605 96633 96659 97428 99504 101788 102385 106370 110472 115678 116330 121193 123184 124324 126318 129562 129696 130467 133288 143291 143295 145585 146012 147564 148633 150345 150626 151262 151602 162362 164108 164662 166858 170451 172106 172435 173599 173986 179149 179151 187472 188447 190647 191805 193094 198912 201046 206379 214960 218460 219494 222068 224015 224024 234727 238673 252483 259857 281327 291633 296784 298187 301270 312664 316553 323024 336887 337138 339630 339631 339632 339633 347350 350265 353075 353866 375176 377295 398030 414354
36599: wishlist: exim: delay of large messages?
39726: wishlist: exim: The retry rules vs. dial up connection.
59134: wishlist: exim: delayed delivery of incoming messages
77586: normal: exim: appends resolver "search" even with fqdn
83000: wishlist: exim feature: accept/reject mail based on external program
85750: normal: Failure of exim with fetchmail
85898: wishlist: exim: verify_sender should be able to do VRFY on smart hosts
86570: wishlist: exim: exim doesn't use the supplied domain name when machine is configured with DHCP
94747: normal: exim drops mail from fetchmail
95325: normal: patch to use /etc/default to control queue runs and daemon parameters
95605: wishlist: exim: no way to override the permission of /var/log/exim
96633: normal: exim: takes ages to start because of DNS
96659: wishlist: exim doesn't install /etc/rcX.d entries
97428: minor: exim: error: Failed to open database file retry: Invalid argument
99504: normal: Segfault in exim
101788: normal: exim install says NO OPEN PACKAGE (create one with pack -N)
102385: normal: exim: infinite loop of "Message frozen" messages
106370: important: base: exim won't deinstall without perl-modules (debconf dies)
110472: important: Exim doesnt work with an unexistant local name
115678: normal: exim bug report
116330: important: exim: auth (RFC 1413) unconfigurable
121193: normal: postinst check for old db files doesn't catch the atoreply case
123184: minor: exim - config of init.d startup file
124324: normal: exim: Exim's cron job fails sometimes.
126318: normal: exim: exim_tidydb dumps core in dbfn_scan()
129562: wishlist: exim: doesn't handle non-RFC-compliant SMTP AUTH declaration in response to EHLO
129696: normal: exim: Should not remove entry from inetd.conf
130467: normal: exim: mangles newlines on headers of incoming mail
133288: normal: correction and improvement for exim's init script
143291: normal: eximconfig make duplicate entry "news" in /etc/aliases
143295: normal: exim; forked process share parent context
145585: normal: sendmail uses -N ... -R ... for DSN; but exim's -N == do *not* deliver
146012: normal: exim 3.35-1 initscript
147564: normal: queue run: process 2090 crashed with signal 11 while delivering  179Oiq-0000Vr-00
148633: wishlist: exim: eximstats idea
150345: normal: exim: fails on forwarding mails containing AT char in Subject
150626: normal: exim modprobes for net-pf-10 and hangs
151262: normal: old rejected messages get stucked
151602: normal: exim: Wrong permission of /var/mail
162362: minor: exim: Info page index troubled links
164108: minor: exim: Purging exim leaves an empty /etc/exim
164662: wishlist: aliases: no manpage available
166858: minor: exim: -Meb always says Message Modified even if not.
170451: wishlist: exim: Exim should not start listener in local delivery only mode
172106: wishlist: exim:
172435: wishlist: exim: mailq should think in terms of hours and minutes
173599: wishlist: exim: can't tell which smtp auth method was used
173986: normal: exim: Clean _all_ hints db's periodically
179149: normal: Default config fails to start as a daemon on USAGI kernel
179151: normal: exim: Cannot bind to IPv6 link-local addresses
187472: minor: eximconfig gives incorrect authenticator examples
188447: normal: Eximconfig for dialup system causes inappropiate DNS lookups [patch].
190647: normal: exim: not clear what machine the reject message is coming from
191805: minor: exim: be more specific about "Delivery attempts will continue for some time"
193094: normal: exim: AUTH PLAIN example not completely correct
198912: important: Address rewriting fails if hostname contains a capital letter
201046: minor: exim: blank line added to bounces?
206379: normal: base: exim does not restart after upgrading blackbox
214960: important: exim cronjob can be an incremental denial of service
218460: normal: exim: exiwhat doesn't see all exim processes
219494: normal: exim: default config => crash in host with spamassassin (DoS attack!)
222068: important: exim: application bug: exim(429) has SIGCHLD set to SIG_IGN but calls wait().
224015: normal: postrm interaction logic broken
224024: normal: exim: /etc/init.d/exim doesn't start exim in the background
234727: normal: exim: exiwhat does not report /usr/lib/exim/exim3 processes
238673: normal: -bs and -d<number> options are incompatible ; should be said somewhere in doc or manpage
252483: normal: failed to open DB file /var/spool/exim/db/wait-remote_smtp: File exists
259857: normal: exim: fallback_hosts fails if retry time is not reached on original hosts list
281327: normal: exim_tidydb should be run from /etc/cron.daily/exim
291633: normal: eximconfig should set up SMTP AUTH as part of option #2 smarthost
296784: minor: exim: frozen error messages routed to
298187: minor: exim: typo in postinst warning 'reccommend -> recommend'
301270: minor: Please remove editor backup file from .diff.gz
312664: minor: apt upgrade message "db_upgrade: unrecognized file type"
316553: minor: exim: db_upgrade noisy on lockfile
323024: minor: /usr/bin/newaliases: error in manpage for "newaliases"
336887: wishlist: exim: massive parrallel delevery attemts should be handled better
337138: normal: exim: db3_upgrade appears to fail silently in postinst
339630: minor: 'man exim' typos: "matically" and "straightfoward"
339631: minor: 'man exim_lock' typo: "precendence"
339632: minor: 'man exiqsumm' typo: "stiched"
339633: minor: 'man exiwhat' typo: "stiched"
347350: normal: unclear errors on clean install
350265: important: /usr/sbin/exim must be setuid root, but isn't.
353075: important: exim: Can't send mail: sendmail process failed with error code 1
353866: normal: /etc/init.d/exim script doesn't work with restart/stop
375176: minor: exim: NMU diff for 3.38-18.1
377295: normal: exim: db_upgrade error during configuration
398030: normal: exim: diff for NMU version 3.36-18.2
414354: important: exim: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD: tiny hack needed
eximon: 61245 112500 198356 339634
61245: normal: eximon; reproducible crash
112500: important: eximon: Spool window not clearing
198356: minor: eximon: Display optimizations and beautification requested
339634: minor: 'man eximon' typos: "messasge", "subsquent" and "lefthand"


exim-doc: 34549 39608 48294 62595 63060 64760 70954 77275 124172 126215 171605 171606 209468 353242 359398
34549: normal: problems with the exim manual
39608: wishlist: exim-doc: Please include the exim FAQ
48294: wishlist: exim-doc: IPs should come before domain names in host_accept_relay
62595: wishlist: exim-doc; FAQ is missing
63060: normal: exim-doc should depend on info-browser
64760: normal: exim-doc: several bad nodes in info index
70954: normal: exim-doc installs non existing info file
77275: wishlist: please add doc-base support
124172: normal: Please include Sample Configurations
126215: normal: Exim-overview appear in the list but does not exist
171605: normal: exim-doc: bad Info tag table
171606: normal: exim-doc: failure in build from source
209468: wishlist: The package description does not follow Debian policy
353242: normal: exim-doc package is obsolete ?
359398: normal: [Not4Etch] exim-doc: please finish /usr/doc transition
exim-texinfo: 165962
165962: wishlist: Please add doc-base support

Martin Michlmayr

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