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Placencio Nieng mythography at lifesgreat.org
Mon Aug 17 18:56:09 UTC 2009

 Cross DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. $11.00. Washington. Lincoln Memorial Ch.
11.00 VIRGINIA. $5.30 Herndon. Cong. Ch. 5.30 NORTH CAROLINA. $3.10.
Harrisville. Cong. Ch. 1.60 Nalls. Cong. Ch. 0.50 Troy. S.D. Leak. 1.00
TENNESSEE. $12.00 Macon. Tuition. 1.00 Marietta. Cong. Ch., 75c.; Sab.
Sch., 1.50 75c. MISSISSIPPI. $2.50. Tougallo. Tuition 2.50 LOUISIANA.
$100.00. New Orleans. S. B. Steere, for Theo. 100.00 Student Aid.
Talladega C INCOMES. $100.00. Avery Fund, for Mendi M. 50.00 Hayel Sch'p
Fund, for Fisk U 50.00 ENGLAND. $10.00. Chigwell. Miss S. Louisa Ropes.
10.00 ====== Donations. 12,413.04 Estates. 2,901.00 Incomes. 100.00
Tuitions 10.50 ------ Total for August 15,433.54 Total from Oct. 1 to
August 31 261,318.27 ====== FOR THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY Subscriptions
for August 23.60 Previously acknowledged. 874.01 ------ Total. 897.61
====== * * * * * H.W. HUBBARD, Treasurer, 56 Reade St, N.Y. * * * * *
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