[Pkg-exim4-users] Exim.conf file

Jeremiah Foster jeremiah.foster at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 07:44:14 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-04-04 at 19:59 +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 03, 2006 at 07:30:29PM +0200, Jeremiah Foster wrote:
> > 
> > This is part of the problem with the debian package, there are too many
> > weird files! I mean update-exim4.conf.conf? That is a really bad name.
> > This is the reason I use the tar file from exim's web site and do not
> > use the package under debian.
> That might be fine for you, but it is really really bad advice for the
> vast majority of the people on this list.
You may be right, you may not. I think that I learned more about exim by
reading their documentation. Furthermore, you fail to acknowledge the
flawed naming scheme, paucity of documentation, and unnecessary
complexity of the debian package. 

> Building exim from source needs _much_ more knowledge than installing
> the Debian package, and getting exim to run from source needs like ten
> times the documentation study that Debian needs.

As many have stated on this list and the exim list, you have to read a
lot of documentation before you run a mail server. 
> > > I am tempted to try a totally new install since I do not have any real
> > > data on the server.
> > 
> > Personally I think this is a good idea for two reasons:
> Personally I think this is a bad idea for the following reason:
>   * The Original Poster's problem is not with exim
>   * The Original Poster's problem is with Debian's packaging system
>   * The Original Poster's system has not even started to set up exim
>     since it breaks at a much earlier stage.
> > 	1. It is easier to install the exim package from exim directly 
> > 	and not have to mess with the debian set up.
> I dispute this.
> > 	2. You can use the exim mailing list for help. 
> > 	(exim users <exim-users at exim.org>)
> The people on exim-users expect people to be in good control of their
> OS, which the OP is not.
You do not know this, you have no right to assume this. You drive people
away from debian by being unhelpful and rude when they come to this list
with problems, it is not for you to say whether they are sufficiently
competent in your eyes. 

I found much more help from people on the main exim list which is why I
tell people to download the package from upstream and use the main exim
mailing list. Plus the documentation is simply better.

Furthermore, the OP thanked me when his system was up and running, so my
goal of trying to help in a pleasant manner may have helped.


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