[pymvpa] nifticlibs

Michael Hanke michael.hanke at gmail.com
Sun Dec 7 09:42:47 UTC 2008


On Sat, Dec 06, 2008 at 11:33:47AM -0500, David Paulsen wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to install pynifti on my mac os 10.4.11, current version of
> python is 2.6.  I¹ve installed SWIG and NumPy, and have run Œmake all¹ in
> the pynifti-0.20081017.1 source dir.  However, I¹m having trouble with
> running make all in the nifticlib-1.1.0 source dir. Here is the output:
If you ran make in pynifti's source tree you already have the pieces of
the niftilibs that you need (a minimal copy is included in the 3rd/
directory) -- there is no need to build the nifticlibs in addition to



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