[pymvpa] running pyMVPA in the virtual unix

Michael Hanke michael.hanke at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 21:23:10 UTC 2008

Hi Yune,

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 04:14:34PM -0500, Yune S. Lee wrote:
>  Dear pyMVPA users,
>  I'm a newbie for the pyMVPA and just installed pyMVPA on my virtual 
> unix system (ubuntu in the VMware 6.5 workstation).
>  I'm now trying out 'Tiny example of a full cross-validation' that is in 
> the website line by line and it is extremely slow although I was told 
> that  python is quite fast language.So, I wonder what would be the 
> preferable setting values (e.g., memory size, Hard drive space, etc.. ) 
> for running pyMVPA.
I have never tried to run it in a virtual machine, but I guess some more
people are interested in this topic, so it would be great to have some
more information here.

What kind of hardware is the host machine for your VM?
What settings are you using for your virtual machine (RAM, Diskspace,...)?
Which version of Ubuntu are you running?
What does 'uname -a' ran in a console inside the VM give you?
What is 'extremely slow' in seconds (or minutes)? ;-)


GPG key:  1024D/3144BE0F Michael Hanke
ICQ: 48230050

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