[pymvpa] Using searchlight for quick spherical ROIs?
Michael Hanke
michael.hanke at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 16:09:07 UTC 2009
Hi Johan,
On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 03:43:51PM +0000, Johan Carlin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have just started using PyMVPA for some fMRI analysis. It has worked like
> a charm so far. :) Thanks very much for developing such a useful tool.
I'm glad you like it!
> I would like to run a clasifier on a number of ROIs that were defined in a
> univariate SPM analysis. The most obvious solution is to re-load the dataset
> with a new mask for each ROI. However, I wonder if there is a quicker
> option, using the Searchlight and the "center id" parameter?
> The idea would be to start with a list of peak voxel coordinates for each
> ROI from the nifti image, map these to feature IDs somehow, and pass the
> list of ROI IDs to the Searchlight. The result would then be a (fast!)
> searchlight analysis, that runs a spherical classifier centered on each ROI
> in turn. The resulting classification map should only contain one voxel per
> ROI.
> Has anyone attempted something similar? I can't quite figure out how to map
> the ROI coordinates in the original nifti to the feature ID that the
> classifier runs on.
I cannot look into the issue in detail right now, but with respect to
the "translation" problem I might provide some help. Let's look at the
following code. The first snippet loads the example dataset, which shall
for now be a replacement for your dataset -- the important bit is
however the type being 'NiftiDataset':
>>> from mvpa.suite import *
>>> attr = SampleAttributes(os.path.join(mvpa.pymvpa_dataroot,'attributes.txt'))
>>> ds = NiftiDataset(samples=os.path.join(mvpa.pymvpa_dataroot,'bold.nii.gz'),
... labels=attr.labels, chunks=attr.chunks)
The dataset apparently has 1452 features
>>> ds
<Dataset / int16 1452 x 800 uniq: 12 chunks 9 labels>
If you now want to know which feature corresponds to a particular
coordinate, you can simply query the mapper instance of the dataset.
# feature id for coordinate z=0 y=10 x=20
>>> ds.mapper.getOutId((0,10,20))
That should get you started. You can even go a bit further and compile
the list of neighbouring voxels yourself (again with the mappers help):
>>> ds.mapper.getNeighbors(420, radius=5)
[379, 380, 381, 419, 420, 421, 459, 460, 461]
which return you a list of feature ids all in a 5mm range around "420".
Does that help?
GPG key: 1024D/3144BE0F Michael Hanke
ICQ: 48230050
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