[pymvpa] Number of Users
Per B. Sederberg
persed at princeton.edu
Wed May 20 15:15:15 UTC 2009
We could do an informal count via mailing list:
I know of 2 labs at Princeton U. using it and one at UPenn.
So, that's +=3
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Michael Hanke <michael.hanke at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 04:47:13PM +0200, Valentin Haenel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> does anyone have a rough idea of the number of Labs/Users, that use PyMVPA?
>> A very rough guesstimate will suffice ;)
> Honestly, I have no clue. PyMVPA is available from many places. The only
> things that get counted are the downloads of the windows installer and
> the released source tarball.
> We have almost 300 installer downloads and 160 source downloads of the
> last release (0.4.1) -- out since the end of January.
> However, I suspect that most people use the beast on non-Windows
> platforms, using one of the many DEB or RPM packages, which are not
> counted.
> The only thing I know for sure is that there are about 10 labs, where I have
> personally seen people using it ;-)
> HTH,
> Michael
> --
> GPG key: 1024D/3144BE0F Michael Hanke
> http://apsy.gse.uni-magdeburg.de/hanke
> ICQ: 48230050
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