[pymvpa] Memory issues with example dataset
meanerelk at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 19:29:02 UTC 2009
Thanks for helping! It would really be nice to get this to work with a
few optimizations.
> I would recommend to run your example (still not sure which one
> particular) with following environment variables
I'm using the dataset available for download here:
> so smth like
> MVPA_DEBUG=.* MVPA_DEBUG_METRICS=vmem,tbc python smlr.py 2>&1 | tee smlr-debug.output
> on linux -- that would dump output to screen as well to a file (for more
> convinient inspectioin later on)
> what you will see is like
> [DBG ] DBG{VmSize: 127924 kB}: Registering metric <mvpa.base.verbosity.TraceBack object at 0x23156d0>
> Where VmSize would give you information on memory utilization -- just
> watch then where it grows considerably (there will be also shortned
> version of traceback included)
I've done so, and attached the output. (also uploaded here:
http://www.filedropper.com/script-debug) The VMSize never even goes
above 1GB. Here is the command I am trying to run (after performing
the necessary imports)
attrs = SampleAttributes('data/attributes_literal.txt',literallabels=True)
ds = NiftiDataset(samples='data/bold.nii.gz',labels=attrs.labels,chunks=attrs.chunks,labels_map=True,mask='data/mask.nii.gz')
What kind of optimizations would you recommend? Thank you.
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