[pymvpa] MemoryError when running tutorial_lib.py
fenglu at fingerpass.net.cn
Mon Aug 22 09:44:08 UTC 2011
Dear Michael and Zonglei,
Thank you for your attention! I have to turn to some other tasks
these days. But the problem is still there.
There are two sets of data. One is tutorial data from the website
(size of the file <bold.nii.gz> is 294MB), the other is the test data coming
with the software (size of the file <bold.nii.gz> is 1.25MB). There is no
problem when I used the following codes to handle with the latter, but the
memory error occurred when I tried to handle with the former.
In [43]: dataset = fmri_dataset(
....: samples = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'bold.nii.gz'),
....: targets = attr.targets,
....: chunks = attr.chunks,
....: mask = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'mask_brain.nii.gz'))
As attached is the statement and the error message. Would you
please read the error message? I don’t think it has anything to do with
mismatched or missing brackets.
If the software can’t handle with the dataset no larger than
294MB, it won’t be proper for my coming research. If I misused the software
or I haven’t describe the situation clearly, please contact me without
Thank you!
Best wishes!
fenglu at fingerpass.net.cn
From: 冯璐 [mailto:fenglu at fingerpass.net.cn]
Sent: 2011年8月8日 17:42
To: 'pkg-exppsy-pymvpa at lists.alioth.debian.org'
Subject: MemoryError when running tutorial_lib.py
Dear experts,
When I typed ds = get_haxby2001_data() in IPython, I’ve got a
exception of MemoryError.
The error message is (‘EOF in multi-line statement’, (2, 0))
The size of ‘Bold.nii.gz’ is 294MB. And memory size of my computer is 3GB.
Does anyone know what happened? Is it out of memory? Thank you in advance.
Best wishes!
fenglu at fingerpass.net.cn
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