[pymvpa] Pkg-ExpPsy-PyMVPA Digest, Vol 64, Issue 3 (Emanuele Olivetti)
marco tettamanti
tettamanti.marco at hsr.it
Thu Jul 11 12:30:11 UTC 2013
Dear Emanuele,
thank you again for all the very helpful clarifications!
As for the posterior probabilities not summing up to 1, I am afraid I cannot
help much, except to provide some further details. I may be very well doing
something wrong.
As it stands, the inverse logs of the log posterior probabilities by far do not
sum up to 1 (SUM=0.0622138449).
If it can be of any use, I have uploaded a table here:
The table reports the log likelihoods and post.probs for the 203 partitions of
my dataset, as given by BayesConfusionHypothesis, and the calculated posterior
All the best,
# Code as previously posted:
clfsvm = LinearCSVMC()
Baycvsvm = CrossValidation(clfsvm, NFoldPartitioner(), errorfx=None,
postproc=ChainNode((Confusion(labels=fds.UT), BayesConfusionHypothesis())))
Baycvsvm_res = Baycvsvm(fds)
> Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 11:06:03 +0200 From: Emanuele
> Olivetti<emanuele at relativita.com> To:
> pkg-exppsy-pymvpa at lists.alioth.debian.org Subject: Re: [pymvpa]
> Pkg-ExpPsy-PyMVPA Digest, Vol 64, Issue 3
> Message-ID:<51DE757B.90005 at relativita.com> Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi Marco,
> Sorry, I missed your reply because of the change in the subject.
> The posterior probabilities have to sum up to 1. If that is not the case,
> then we should dig into the details.
> There might be numerical instabilities in the computation of likelihoods and
> posteriors because of the extremely low values involved, but I believe this
> is unlikely because I did my best to avoid this problem. So my current best
> guess is that the problem may derive from the use of cross-validation. In my
> original formulation[0] I did not considered cross-validation (it is now
> work in progress). Perhaps Michael (Hanke), who implemented the glue between
> the algorithms [1] and PyMVPA, can comment on cross-validation.
> With respect to the snippet you sent and according to here
> https://github.com/PyMVPA/PyMVPA/blob/master/mvpa2/clfs/transerror.py I
> confirm that you are getting the loglikelihood and the log of the
> posteriors, as you said.
> About the posterior probability of the most likely hypothesis being just
> 0.014, consider that your have many hypotheses, i.e. 203 (so a problem with 6
> classes). If you adopted the uniform prior probability over all hypotheses,
> i.e. p(H_i) = 1/203 = 0.00493, then then posterior probability of the most
> likely one increased almost 3 times: 0.014 / 0.00493 = 2.84. This means that
> the data are supporting that hypothesis more than you believed in your prior.
> I don't have the full results of your analysis but your should check whether
> you have a similar increase with other hypotheses or not.
> About the Bayes factor>1, consider that different values of the Bayes Factor
> have different interpretation. In Kass and Raftery (JASA 1995) or here
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayes_factor#Interpretation you can find
> commonly accepted guidelines for the interpretation of that value. So you
> should look at your Bayes Factors according to that. If, for example, you
> have values not much greater than 1, then the evidence supporting your most
> likely hypothesis is weak.
> Best,
> Emanuele
> [0]: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/prni.2012.14 [1]:
> https://github.com/emanuele/inference_with_classifiers
> PS: yes the docstring may be improved. Consider submitting a pull request ;)
> On 07/05/2013 12:30 PM, marco tettamanti wrote:
>> Dear Emanuele, sorry for the late reply, It took me a while until I could
>> get back to the data.
>> Thank you very much for the very helpful clarifications! Shouldn't the
>> BayesConfusionHypothesis documentation be updated to mention that also the
>> log posterior probabilities are calculated?
>> Can you just please confirm that given:
>> clfsvm = LinearCSVMC() Baycvsvm = CrossValidation(clfsvm,
>> NFoldPartitioner(), errorfx=None,
>> postproc=ChainNode((Confusion(labels=fds.UT),
>> BayesConfusionHypothesis()))) Baycvsvm_res = Baycvsvm(fds)
>> the 2 columns of values in 'Baycvsvm_res.samples', indeed correspond to,
>> respectively, the log likelihoods (1st column) and to the log posterior
>> probabilities (2nd column), as in:
>> print Baycvsvm_res.fa.stat ['log(p(C|H))' 'log(p(H|C))']
>> I have a couple of further questions: I thought from your reply that the
>> sum of all p(H_i | CM) should give 1, but this does not seem to be the case
>> for the inverse log values of the 2nd column. Or is it rather that the sum
>> of all p(H_i) should give 1?
>> Also, if the above is correct, and regarding my data specifically: over
>> 203 possible partitions, the most likely hypothesis has a Bayes factor>1
>> over all competing hypotheses, which I guess should constitute sufficient
>> evidence to support it. However, the posterior probability of the most
>> likely hypothesis seems quite small (0.014). Is this something to be
>> expected?
>> Thank you a lot again and best wishes, Marco
>>> Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 08:48:34 -0400 From: Emanuele
>>> Olivetti<emanuele at relativita.com> To:
>>> pkg-exppsy-pymvpa at lists.alioth.debian.org Subject: Re: [pymvpa]
>>> BayesConfusionHypothesis Message-ID:<51C991A2.9060208 at relativita.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>> Dear Marco,
>>> Sorry for the late reply, I'm traveling during these days.
>>> BayesConfusionHypothesis, as default, computes the posterior
>>> probabilities of each hypothesis tested on the confusion matrix. As you
>>> correctly report, there is one hypothesis for each possible partition of
>>> the set of the class labels. For example for three class labels, (A,B,C),
>>> there are 5 possible partitions: H_1=((A),(B),(C)), H_2=((A,B),(C)),
>>> H_3=((A,C),(B)), H_4=((A),(B,C)), H_5=((A,B,C)).
>>> The posterior probability of each hypothesis is computed in the usual way
>>> (let CM be the confusion matrix):
>>> p(H_i | CM) = p(CM | H_i) * p(H_i) / (sum_j p(CM | H_j) * p(H_j))
>>> where p(H_i) is the prior probability of each hypothesis and p(CM | H_i)
>>> is the (integrated) likelihood of each hypothesis. The default value for
>>> p(H_j) is p(H_i) = 1/(number of hypotheses), i.e. no hypothesis is
>>> preferred. You can specify a different one from the "prior_Hs" parameter
>>> of BayesConfusionHypothesis.
>>> The measures that are popped out by BayesConfusionHypothesis, i.e. the
>>> posterior probabilities of each hypothesis, quantify how likely is each
>>> hypothesis in the light of the data and of the priors that you assumed.
>>> So those values should be what you are looking for.
>>> If you set "postprob=False" in BayesConfusionHypothesis, you will get
>>> the likelihoods of each model/hypothesis, i.e. p(CM | H_i), instead of
>>> posterior probabilities. This is a different quantity. Note that,
>>> differently from p(H_i | CM), if you sum all the p(CM | H_i) you will not
>>> get one. The likelihoods (which is an "integrated likelihood", or a
>>> Bayesian likelihood) are useful to compare hypotheses in pairs. For
>>> example if you want to know how much evidence is in the data in favor of
>>> discriminating all classes, i.e. H_5=((A),(B),(C)), compared to not
>>> discriminating any class, i.e. H_1=((A,B,C)), then you can look at the
>>> ratio B_51 = p(CM|H_5) / p(CM|H_1), which is called Bayes factor (similar
>>> to the likelihood ratio of the frequentist approach, but note that the
>>> likelihoods are not frequentist likelihoods). If that number is>1, then
>>> the evidence of the data supports H_5 more than H_1. More detailed
>>> guidelines to interpret the value of the Bayes factor can be found for
>>> example in Kass and Raftery (JASA 1995).
>>> In the paper Olivetti et al (PRNI 2012) I presented the Bayes factor way,
>>> but I believe that looking at the posterior probabilities - which is the
>>> PyMVPA's default I proposed - is simpler and more clear especially in the
>>> case of many hypotheses/partitions. I am describing these things in an
>>> article in preparation.
>>> The parameters "space" and "hypotheses" of BayesConfusionHypothesis have
>>> the following meaning:
>>> - "space" stores the string of the dataset's field where the posterior
>>> probabilities are stored. That dataset is the output of
>>> BayesConfusionHypothesis. You might want to change the default name
>>> "hypothesis". Or not :).
>> oops, sorry! I should have read in the documentation a bit further and see
>> that this is just a name string....
>>> - "hypotheses" may be useful if you want to define your own set of
>>> hypotheses/partitions instead of relying on all possible partitions of
>>> the set of classes. The default value "None" triggers the internal
>>> computation of all possible partitions. If you do not have strong reasons
>>> to change this default behavior, I guess your should stick with the
>>> default value.
>>> Best,
>>> Emanuele Olivetti
>>> On 06/21/2013 08:47 AM, marco tettamanti wrote:
>>>> Dear all, first of all I take my first chance to thank the authors for
>>>> making such a great software as pymvpa available!
>>>> I have some (beginner) questions regarding the
>>>> BayesConfusionHypothesis algorithm for for multiclass pattern
>>>> discrimination.
>>>> If I understand it correctly, what the algorithm does is to compare
>>>> all possible partitions of classes and it then reports the most likely
>>>> partitioning hypothesis to explain the confusion matrix (i.e. highest
>>>> log likelihood among those of all possible hypotheses, as stored in the
>>>> .sample attribute).
>>>> Apart from being happy to see confimed my hypothesis of all classes
>>>> being discriminable from each other, is there any way to obtain or
>>>> calculate some measures of how likely it is that the most likely
>>>> hypothesis is truly strongly/weakly superior than some or all of the
>>>> alternative hypotheses? For instance, Olivetti et al (PRNI 2012) state
>>>> that a BF>1 is sufficient to support H1 over H0 and report Bayes Factor
>>>> and binomial tests in tables.
>>>> I assume I should know the answer, so forgive me for my poor
>>>> statistics.
>>>> On a related matter: I see form the BayesConfusionHypothesis
>>>> documentation, that there should be parameters to define a hypothesis
>>>> space (space=) or some specific hypotheses (hypotheses=). Could anybody
>>>> please provide some examples on how to fill in these parameters?
>>>> Thank you and all the best, Marco
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Marco Tettamanti, Ph.D.
Nuclear Medicine Department & Division of Neuroscience
San Raffaele Scientific Institute
Via Olgettina 58
I-20132 Milano, Italy
Phone ++39-02-26434888
Fax ++39-02-26434892
Email: tettamanti.marco at hsr.it
Skype: mtettamanti
info:www.5xmille at hsr.it - www.5xmille.org
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