[pymvpa] Accuracy for Each Timepoint in Event-Related Analysis

Nick Oosterhof nikolaas.oosterhof at unitn.it
Sat Jan 11 14:20:08 UTC 2014

On Jan 10, 2014, at 8:15 PM, Daniel P. Bliss wrote:

> I think this question was based on a misinterpretation of what the event-related analysis actually does.  I was assuming that it conducted a separate classification analysis for each timepoint, but now I'm inferring that it conducts a single analysis, treating the timepoints as independent features.  Is that true?  

Not necessarily independent, but yes, data from different timepoints is used in the analysis.

> Is there a way to automate separate analyses for different timepoints in PyMVPA?

Yes, but it depends a bit on what type analysis you want to do.
I assume you have a dataset ds with trials that have N timepoints each. Add a sample attribute, say 'time_in_trial', and assign to each sample a value from 1 to N. Then do

ds_splits=split_by_sample_attribute(ds, 'time_in_trial')

and run your analysis separately for each dataset in ds_splits, e.g.

for ds_split in ds_splits:
   # your code here to get ds_result


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