[pymvpa] Zscore creates nan in dataset
gal star
gal.star3051 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 13:45:58 UTC 2015
Im using zscore, and i receive the following exception:
" Some input data for predict is not finite (Nan or Inf)".
I've checked my pre-processed nifti files - they don't include Nan values,
and yet after using zscore i get that the dataset includes Nan values.
How can i fix this situation so i could move forward with
the processing in my script?
I've attached the script i'm using.
Gal Star
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from __future__ import division
import getopt
import sys
import os
from mvpa2.suite import *
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
type = sys.argv[1]
sub = sys.argv[2]
samples = int(sys.argv[3])
#samples = 232.5
img_name = '4D_scans_conc.nii.gz'
#img_name = '4D_scans_brain.nii.gz'
#map_name = 'map.txt'
#map_name = 'balance_map.txt'
#map_name = 'map.txt.2label_balance.txt'
map_name = 'map.txt.4label_balance.txt'
#map_name = 'map.txt.2label'
#map_name = 'map.txt.4label'
#map_name = 'maps/map.txt'
source = '/home/gals/converted_data/sub_brik_data/' + type + '/' + sub + '/'
#source = '/home/gals/converted_data/sub_brik_data/ester/' + type
#source = '/home/gals/converted_data/sub_brik_data/gal/'+ sub + '/'
#source = '/home/gals/converted_data/sub_brik_data/gal/Dov/'
print "type: %s" % type
print "sub: %s" % sub
print "samples: %d" % samples
folds = 2
samples_per_fold = samples / folds
#samples_per_fold = 24.75
# Read mvpa sample attributes definition from text file #
print "after sampleAttributes"
print "passed fmri dataset"
#print fds.summary()
poly_detrend(fds, polyord=1, chunks_attr='chunks')
print "after detrending"
#print fds.summary()
# remote:
#interesting = numpy.array([l in ['2221','2222','2121','2122','23'] for l in fds.sa.targets])
# recent:
interesting = numpy.array([l in ['2111','2211','23'] for l in fds.sa.targets])
#interesting = numpy.array([l in ['211','221','3'] for l in fds.sa.targets])
# correct incorrect all
#interesting = numpy.array([l in ['21','22','3'] for l in fds.sa.targets])
fds = fds[interesting]
zscore(fds, param_est=('targets', ['23']), chunks_attr='chunks')
#zscore(fds, param_est=('targets', ['3']), chunks_attr='chunks')
# remote:
#interesting = numpy.array([l in ['2221','2222','2121','2122'] for l in fds.sa.targets])
# recent:
#interesting = numpy.array([l in ['2112','2111','2211','2212'] for l in fds.sa.targets])
interesting = numpy.array([l in ['2111','2211'] for l in fds.sa.targets])
#interesting = numpy.array([l in ['211','221'] for l in fds.sa.targets])
# correct incorrect all
#interesting = numpy.array([l in ['21','22'] for l in fds.sa.targets])
fds = fds[interesting]
print len(fds)
print "saved after normalize to nifti file"
# randomize
leftover = int((samples_per_fold - (int(samples_per_fold))) * folds)
pseudo_runs = [_ for _ in range(folds) for x in range(int(samples_per_fold))]
print leftover
# handle leftovers
[pseudo_runs.append(x) for x in range(leftover)]
fds.sa['pseudo_runs'] = pseudo_runs
sens = SensitivityBasedFeatureSelection(OneWayAnova(), FixedNElementTailSelector(1000, tail='upper', mode='select'), enable_ca=['sensitivity'])
#, postproc=FxMapper('features', lambda x: x /x.max(), attrfx=None)2)
#clf = LinearCSVMC()
clf = FeatureSelectionClassifier(LinearCSVMC(),sens)
#cv = CrossValidation(clf,NFoldPartitioner(attr='pseudo_runs'),enable_ca=['stats','training_stats'])
cv = CrossValidation(clf,NFoldPartitioner(attr='chunks'),enable_ca=['stats','training_stats'])
error = cv(fds)
accuracy = 1- np.mean(error)
ds = sens.ca.sensitivity.samples
numpy.savetxt(os.path.join(source,'anova_vals'), ds, delimiter='\n', fmt='%1.2f')
print "The list of results per fold:"
print error.samples
print "Stats on all folds:"
print cv.ca.stats.as_string(summary=True)
print "And The Accuracy:"
print "Accuracy is %f" % accuracy
print "resuls run2:"
print cv.ca.stats.matrices[1].as_string(summary=True)
print "resuls run3:"
print cv.ca.stats.matrices[2].as_string(summary=True)
#print "resuls run18:"
#print cv.ca.stats.matrices[17].as_string(summary=True)
print "resuls run4:"
print cv.ca.stats.matrices[3].as_string(summary=True)
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