[pymvpa] What is the value of using errorfx when using Cross validation?

gal star gal.star3051 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 14:33:57 UTC 2015

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 11:46 AM, Nick Oosterhof <
n.n.oosterhof at googlemail.com> wrote:

> On 25 Feb 2015, at 16:55, gal star <gal.star3051 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > < Python Code for selecting only '0' chunk for train and '1' for test>
> >
> > Can you provide this code please?
> >
> > int_train = numpy.array([l in [0] for l in fds.sa.chunks])
> > int_test = numpy.array([l in [1] for l in fds.sa.chunks])
> >
> > train = fds[int_train]
> > test = fds[int_test]
> >
> >
> > > clf.train(train)
> > > print clf.predict(test.samples)
> >
> > How exactly do you determine the standard deviation among classification
> accuracies?
> >
> > I am running this script code k times (each time, different part of the
> data input with '1' chunk).
> If I understand correctly, you could have just one script and have a
> for-loop over the folds, something like:
> for fold in xrange(nfolds):
>   train=fds[fold!=fds.sa.chunks]
>   train=fds[fold==fds.sa.chunks]
> assuming the folds are in the range 0..(nfolds-1).
> The reason I didn't do that initialy was balancing.
I need to equalize the amount of data point from each class. I don't
want to remove data points but rather duplicate random chosen data points.

Therefore, for each fold, i'm loading different sample attribute so i could
a balanced train set according to duplication of some data points from the
train set.
I'm familiar with Balancer, though it balance every chunk by removal (and
also i don't want to balance the test set, only the train set).

> > In each time i get an accuracy result. then i'm averaging those k
> results and calculate standard divination.
> With the above idea, do you get identical results?
> >

If there's way i could perform balancing in every iteration
with duplication instead of removal using the PyMVPA API?

> > Also, the topic of your email is about errorfx, but I didn’t see you
> using that function anywhere. Could you clarify?
> >
> > Yes, i'm performing manual cross validation, but i've seen that
> > if i use the CrossValidation class there is an errrofx parameter.
> > I'm trying to understand what is it contributes and how can i use it
> manually.
> errorfx is used to compute the accuracy, by computing, for each fold, how
> many samples have the same predicted label as the target label.
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