[pymvpa] Multiple datasets in one hdf5 file

Nick Oosterhof n.n.oosterhof at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 17 09:54:33 UTC 2015

> On 17 Jul 2015, at 11:27, 孔令军 <201421210014 at mail.bnu.edu.cn> wrote:
> My data is consist of 8 runs ,
> I used the function h5save() to combination them ,so errors occurred

What errors occurred? What are you trying to achieve?

Note that the amount of information that you provide is very minimal, and insufficient for me to give better suggestions. Please provide more details. You may want to read “How to ask questions the smart way” [1].

> But how to organization the multi runs of data to be one file(.nii)?

Do you want to combine data from multiple nifti files into a single nifti file? If so, you could use fmri_dataset to load each nifti file, then stack them using vstack, and save the result in a nifti file using map2fmri.

[1] http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

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