[pymvpa] openfmri onsets

Wolfgang Pauli wolfgang.m.pauli at gmail.com
Tue May 10 00:46:36 UTC 2016


I thought it would be neat to convert my dataset into openfmri format, for
ease of analysis, and for later sharing. I thought it was working well,
 but then I realized that the onset times, which I provide as <sec>.<ms>,
were converted to the nearest volume, based on the TR.

According to the tutorials I can convert them back for an event-related
design, by multiplying the onsets in volume number by the TR.

However, if I follow that procedure, I get two rounding errors, the first
one when the exact onsets times are converted into the index of the nearest
volume, and a second one, when I multiply the volume index with the TR.

Is there a way to specify during loading of the dataset to just not touch
the onset times?


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