[pymvpa] kNN and sensitivity map
marco tettamanti
mrctttmnt at gmail.com
Tue May 31 15:39:54 UTC 2016
Dear all,
since kNN performs best on a particular dataset, I am trying to obtain a
sensitivity map based on the code that I have used for other classifiers.
However, I receive an error message, and I am not able to proceed further.
I have been struggling with the documentation, but I still cannot find any
solutions for this problem.
Can somebody please help?
Thank you and best wishes,
This is the relevant snippet:
{fds == fmri dataset}
clf = kNN(k=2, dfx=one_minus_correlation, voting='majority')
partitioner = HalfPartitioner()
fselaov = SensitivityBasedFeatureSelection(OneWayAnova(),
FractionTailSelector(fraction, mode='select', tail='upper'))
fclf = FeatureSelectionClassifier(clf, fselaov)
fselcvte = CrossValidation(fclf, partitioner, errorfx=lambda p, t: np.mean(p ==
t), postproc=mean_sample(), enable_ca=['confusion', 'stats'])
res_fsel = fselcvte(fds)
sensana = fclf.get_sensitivity_analyzer(postproc=maxofabs_sample())
This is the error message:
NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-32-2e8317c1b278> in<module>() ----> 1sensana = fclf.get_sensitivity_analyzer(postproc=maxofabs_sample())
2 #sensana = fclf.get_sensitivity_analyzer(postproc=absolute_features())
3 #sensana = fclf.get_sensitivity_analyzer(postproc=mean_sample())
4 cv_sensana= RepeatedMeasure(sensana, ChainNode((partitioner, Splitter('partitions', attr_values=(1,)))))
5 sens= cv_sensana(fds)
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mvpa2/misc/args.pyc indo_group_kwargs(self, *args_, **kwargs_) 73 if passthrough: kwargs__[k] = skwargs
74 if assign: setattr(self, '_%s' % k, skwargs)
---> 75return method(self, *args_, **kwargs__)
76 do_group_kwargs.func_name= method.func_name
77 return do_group_kwargs
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mvpa2/clfs/meta.pyc inget_sensitivity_analyzer(self, slave_kwargs, **kwargs) 329 return
self.__sa_class__( 330 self,
--> 331analyzer=self.__clf.get_sensitivity_analyzer(**slave_kwargs),
332 **kwargs)
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mvpa2/clfs/base.pyc inget_sensitivity_analyzer(self, **kwargs) 492 """Factory method to return an
appropriate sensitivity analyzer for 493 the respective classifier.""" -->
494raise NotImplementedError
This are the code and OS versions:
Current date: 2016-05-31 17:22
Version: 2.5.0
Hash: 6a9d4060ad863f99170801854c272b61af51f015
Path: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mvpa2/__init__.pyc
Version control (GIT):
GIT information could not be obtained due "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mvpa2/.. is not under GIT"
OS: posix Linux 4.3.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.3.3-7 (2016-01-19)
Distribution: debian/stretch/sid
Present: atlas_fsl, cPickle, ctypes, good scipy.stats.rv_continuous._reduce_func(floc,fscale), good scipy.stats.rv_discrete.ppf, griddata, gzip, h5py, hdf5, ipython, joblib, liblapack.so, libsvm, libsvm verbosity control, lxml, matplotlib, mdp, mdp ge 2.4, mock, nibabel, nipy, nose, numpy, numpy_correct_unique, pprocess, pylab, pylab plottable, pywt, pywt wp reconstruct, reportlab, running ipython env, scipy, scipy.weave, sg ge 0.6.4, sg ge 0.6.5, sg_fixedcachesize, shogun, shogun.mpd, shogun.svmocas, skl, statsmodels
Absent: atlas_pymvpa, cran-energy, datalad, elasticnet, glmnet, good scipy.stats.rdist, hcluster, lars, mass, nipy.neurospin, numpydoc, openopt, pywt wp reconstruct fixed, rpy2, shogun.krr, shogun.lightsvm, shogun.svrlight, weave
Versions of critical externals:
ctypes : 1.1.0
h5py : 2.5.0
hdf5 : 1.8.13
ipython : 2.3.0
joblib : 0.9.4
lxml : 3.4.4
matplotlib : 1.4.2
mdp : 3.5
mock : 1.3.0
nibabel : 2.0.2
nipy : 0.4.0.dev
numpy : 1.8.2
pprocess : 0.5
reportlab : 3.2.0
scipy : 0.14.1
shogun : 3.2.0
shogun:full : 3.2.0_2014-2-17_18:46
shogun:rev : 197120
skl : 0.17.1
Matplotlib backend: module://IPython.kernel.zmq.pylab.backend_inline
Marco Tettamanti, Ph.D.
Nuclear Medicine Department & Division of Neuroscience
San Raffaele Scientific Institute
Via Olgettina 58
I-20132 Milano, Italy
Phone ++39-02-26434888
Fax ++39-02-26434892
Email: tettamanti.marco at hsr.it
Skype: mtettamanti
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