[pymvpa] Nifti from Searchlight Hyperalignment
Jorge H
jhevia at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 5 16:33:23 UTC 2017
Hi everyone, I'm Jorge and I'm trying to get a nifti image from a Searchlight Hyperalignment of event-design running project, but I have this problem. If I dont try to get the nifti image, the program gets a very acceptable accuracy. This is my program:
from mvpa2.suite import *
from mvpa2.support.pylab import pl
from mvpa2.misc.data_generators import noisy_2d_fx
from mvpa2.mappers.svd import SVDMapper
from mvpa2.mappers.mdp_adaptor import ICAMapper, PCAMapper
from mvpa2 import cfg
verbose.level = 2
verbose(1, "Loading data...")
def Lee_Sujeto(direc):
data_path = '/misc/charcot/jhevia/azalea_pymvpa/data'+str(direc)+'/Azalea2017/'
#mask_fname = os.path.join(data_path,"/misc/arwen/azalea/PPI/TPJ_previous/MasksSubjects/PH101_Cor01_left.nii.gz")
#mask_fname = os.path.join("/misc/charcot/jhevia/azalea_pymvpa/mascara_bin-mask2.nii.gz")
mask_fname = os.path.join("/misc/arwen/azalea/niigui/PH101_410/PH101_Cor01.feat/mask.nii.gz")
print '\n', data_path, '\n'
dhandle = OpenFMRIDataset(data_path)
task = 1 # object viewing task
model = 1 # image stimulus category model
subj = 1
run_datasets = []
for run_id in dhandle.get_task_bold_run_ids(task)[subj]:
print '\n run_id, task, sujeto ', run_id, task, subj
# load design info for this run
run_events = dhandle.get_bold_run_model(model, subj, run_id)
# load BOLD data for this run (with masking); add 0-based chunk ID
run_ds = dhandle.get_bold_run_dataset(subj, task, run_id,
chunks=run_id -1,
# convert event info into a sample attribute and assign as 'targets'
run_ds.sa['targets'] = events2sample_attr(
run_events, run_ds.sa.time_coords, noinfolabel='REST')
# additional time series preprocessing can go here
# print run_ds.sa.targets
print '------------------------------------------------'
# this is PyMVPA's vstack() for merging samples from multiple datasets
# a=0 indicates that the dataset attributes of the first run should be used
# for the merged dataset
ww = vstack(run_datasets, a=0)
print ' shape ww'
print ww.shape
return ww
ds_all = []
for suj in range(5):
print suj
sujeto = suj+1
if sujeto != 7 and sujeto !=9 and sujeto != 19 and sujeto != 34 and sujeto != 26 and sujeto != 30:
xx = Lee_Sujeto(sujeto)
poly_detrend(xx, polyord=1, chunks_attr='chunks')
_ = [zscore(xx) for xx in ds_all]
xx = xx[xx.sa.targets != "REST"]
print 'type: \n'
print 'len: \n'
xx = ds_all[2]
print 'type: \n'
print type(xx)
print 'shape: \n'
print 'sa: \n'
print xx.sa
print 'fa: \n'
print xx.fa
print 'a: \n'
print xx.a
print xx.nsamples
print 'resumen: \n'
#print '----------------------- zscore all datasets individually ----------------------'
#_ = [zscore(ds) for ds in ds_all]
#inject the subject ID into all datasets
for i, sd in enumerate(ds_all):
print i, len(sd)
sd.sa['subject'] = np.repeat(i, len(sd))
#number of subjects
print type(sd.sa)
print len(sd.sa)
nsubjs = len(ds_all)
print "nsubjs = ", nsubjs
#number of categories
ncats = len(ds_all[0].UT)
print "ncats =", ncats
#number of run
nruns = len(ds_all[0].UC)
print "nruns=", nruns
#verbose(2, "%d subjects" % len(ds_all))
#verbose(2, "Per-subject dataset: %i samples with %i features" % ds_all[0].shape)
#verbose(2, "Stimulus categories: %s" % ', '.join(ds_all[0].UT))
print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
# feature selection helpers
slhyper_start_time = time.time()
bsc_slhyper_results = []
clf = LinearCSVMC()
# same cross-validation over subjects as before
cv = CrossValidation(clf, NFoldPartitioner(attr='subject'),errorfx=mean_match_accuracy)
# leave-one-run-out for hyperalignment training
for test_run in range(nruns):
ds_train = [sd[sd.sa.chunks != test_run, :] for sd in ds_all]
ds_test = [sd[sd.sa.chunks == test_run, :] for sd in ds_all]
# Initializing Searchlight Hyperalignment with Sphere searchlights of 3 voxelradius.
# Using 40% features in each SL and spacing centers at 3-voxels distance.
slhyper = SearchlightHyperalignment(radius=3, featsel=0.4, sparse_radius=3)
# Performing searchlight hyperalignment on training data.
# This step is similar to regular hyperalignment, calling the searchlight hyperalignment object with a list of datasets. Searchlight Hyperalignment returns a list of mappers corresponding to subjects in the same order as the list of datasets we passed in.
slhypmaps = slhyper(ds_train)
# Applying hyperalignment parameters is similar to applying any mapper in PyMVPA. We apply the hyperalignment parameters by running the test dataset through the forward() function of the mapper.
ds_hyper = [h.forward(sd) for h, sd in zip(slhypmaps, ds_test)]
# Running between-subject classification as before.
ds_hyper = vstack(ds_hyper)
#zscore(ds_hyper, chunks_attr='subject')
res_cv = cv(ds_hyper)
bsc_slhyper_results = hstack(bsc_slhyper_results)
#Comparing the results
verbose(1, "Average classification accuracies:")
verbose(2, "between-subject (searchlight hyperaligned): %.2f +/-%.3f" \
% (np.mean(bsc_slhyper_results),
np.std(np.mean(bsc_slhyper_results, axis=1)) / np.sqrt(nsubjs - 1)))
#revtest = np.arange(100, 100 + ds_all.nfeatures)
ts = bsc_slhyper_results.a.mapper.reverse1(1 - bsc_slhyper_results.samples[0])
ts = np.rollaxis(ts, 0, 4)
ni = nb.Nifti1Image(ts, xx.a.imgaffine).to_filename('ersl.nii')
verbose(2, "done in %.1f seconds" % (time.time() - slhyper_start_time,))
WARNING: 67 stds are too different (max diff=1) from 1 in dataset 0 to come from a zscored dataset. Please zscore datasets first for correct operation (unless if was intentional)
Average classification accuracies:
between-subject (searchlight hyperaligned): 1.00 +/-0.000
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Searchlight_Hyperalignment_Hevia_oct0517.py", line 153, in <module>
ts = bsc_slhyper_results.a.mapper.reverse1(1 - bsc_slhyper_results.samples[0])
File "/home/inb/lconcha/fmrilab_software/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mvpa2/base/collections.py", line 492, in __getattribute__
return _object_getattribute(self, key)
AttributeError: 'DatasetAttributesCollection' object has no attribute 'mapper'
jhevia at charcot:/misc/charcot/jhevia/azalea_pymvpa$
Any suggest will be appreciate. Thanks a lot!
Dr. Jorge Carlos Hevia Orozco
Unidad de Analisis de Imagenes, Instituto de Neurobiologia, UNAM campus Juriquilla
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