[pymvpa] pyMVPA: RSA

Pegah Kassraian Fard pegahkf at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 20:26:52 UTC 2017

Dear pyMVPA group,

So I succeeded finally with the Searchlight.

Now I have some questions regarding RSA:

- As I can see here: http://www.pymvpa.org/examples/rsa_fmri.html
in the first step 'ROI pattern correlation distances' are computed and
plotted. I would like to have something similar, where I get for starters
just a (dis-)similarity analysis with no searchlight involved, however I
would like to get for instance for my binary problem just a 2 x 2 RSA
matrix, i.e. not for each voxel as is now the case, but a whole brain
result comparing the two conditions. How would that be conventionally done?

- Also, is there an alternative to z-scoring to rest when I have not
modelled rest explicitly (just z-scoring with mean and stddev of both

Many thanks,
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