[pymvpa] Individual stimuli not confined to a single volume - is it usable?
kgjentink at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 21:42:06 BST 2020
Hello all!
I have a dataset that was *not designed for MVPA, *and I am trying to
determine whether or not it's possible to conduct multivariate decoding
analysis on it. I have also not used PyMVPA prior to this (having only
experience in SPM).
What I need help with is to know if it's possible to use PyMVPA on my data
in its current form, and if not, if there's a way I can fix that.
Some details for the task:
- Stimuli were presented for 1 TR (2 seconds)
- However, they were followed by .75 seconds of feedback, then variable
jitter times between trials
- Because of this, some stimuli obviously have signal spread across
multiple volumes.
Working through the tutorial, it seems like PyMVPA wants individual trials
separated cleanly by volume. Am I missing something? I'm also wondering if
I could just use trial-by-trial beta maps (in which case, I could simply
create one for each trial, easy peasy).
In general, I'm honestly very confused. Any amount of help, any at all,
would be much appreciated. I'm too wrapped up in my own thoughts to even
know if I'm making sense. At the very least, knowing 1) if I can use my
data and, 2) broadly, what I need to do would be great. Sorry for the long
email! It's my first post and I wanted to be thorough (although I'm sure
I've missed something...)
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