openmortal_0.7.dfsg-1_i386.changes REJECTED

Bruno Kleinert fuddl at
Sun Sep 10 09:56:08 UTC 2006

This one time, at band camp, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> find $(egrep -riL 'GPL|GNU' *) -exec grep -Hi copyright {} \;
> The inner egrep will List all files, which neither contain the word
> "GPL" nor the word "GNU" (ignoring cases, recursive throught the entire
> directory tree); I'll then use the find to grep through this files, if
> they contain the word "copyright".  One could easily adapt that for
> authors or years.

hmpf, this picks out the same files i had a look at, yesterday. there's
a bunch of files, copyrighted by the openmortal author, but no license
in them. some are copyrighted before the copyright statement for the
whole openmortal package. does this mean openmortal ist not


Among elephants it's not considered cool nor in any good taste
to drain other elephants

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