Bug#438800: Segfault reading save4.dat on 64 bit platforms
Yuri Kozlov
kozlov.y at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 17:20:07 UTC 2007
2007/8/22, Jens Seidel <jensseidel at users.sf.net>:
> Yuri, since this problem seems now solved can you please provide a updated
> Russian translation? Please attach it to #438799. Thanks.
In progress. I hope it will be done before August, 26.
> I first assumed (especially because of the wrong output of the "Continue
> game 1 (1% complete)" string (you attached a screenshot)) that you used
> a not published Debian package with debian/ from svn.
> And indeed I found in older patches bugs which could result in a
> segmentation fault for empty strings as well (fixed in revision r3715 in
> SDLPangoTextWidth()).
> Nevertheless I believe that your faulty screenshot results from a too
> short array size, which I fixed separately in
> i18n_increase_array_sizes.patch.
> Ahm, how did you, Yuri, created the screenshots if it crashed already
> at start? Did you started it on another computer?
No. We has a 2 bugs.
1. If the game has no translation for current user locale (ru_RU), its crashed
at start. And the same effect with LC_ALL=C.
2. Problem with text in the main menu.
> On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 12:23:46 +0400, Yuri Kozlov wrote:
> > The game crached if locale is not exist (C is not exist in the /etc/locale.gen)
> I may be wrong but I think "C" does not need to be generated. It exists
> always!
May be.
> > $LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 hex-a-hop
> (Isn't the locale called de_DE.utf8?)
I don`t no, its simple worked too. May be its aliases by default?
$locale -a
but in /etc/locale.gen only have a
ru_RU.UTF-8 UTF-8
ru_RU ISO-8859-5
ru_RU.CP1251 CP1251
de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
> But why did it worked in a German locale for you? Did you tried it on
> a 32 bit box this time and forgot to test with LC_ALL=C (which should
> work in this case as well)?
I do not have a 32bit debian.
LC_ALL=C has no work before svn patch.
Yuri Kozlov
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