Bug#439255: New version...

Bas Wijnen wijnen at debian.org
Thu Oct 4 07:57:27 UTC 2007


On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 08:50:04PM +0100, Marco Rodrigues wrote:
> Try with the new version 1.3-1, if the problem still persist...

I don't know anything about this bug, what it's about, or even in what
package it is.  That's a problem of our BTS: if you write an e-mail to a
bug, it sends it as you write it, without any extra information.  So I'd
have to look up the bug to find out what the message is about.

To avoid that, it's a good idea to give some context (quoting the bug
title and package name, for example) in the e-mail.

Thanks for you work,

I encourage people to send encrypted e-mail (see http://www.gnupg.org).
If you have problems reading my e-mail, use a better reader.
Please send the central message of e-mails as plain text
   in the message body, not as HTML and definitely not as MS Word.
Please do not use the MS Word format for attachments either.
For more information, see http://pcbcn10.phys.rug.nl/e-mail.html
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