Bug#307992: More info, and a hackish patch
Enrico Zini
enrico at enricozini.org
Wed Sep 19 20:55:58 UTC 2007
I played what if a bit, and tried adding some safety checks to the
backtrace location in campaign_lib.py:
def tohex(r,g,b):
def bytehex(num):
if num < 0:
import sys
print >>sys.stderr, "OVERRIDE", num, "with 0"
num = 0
if num > 255:
import sys
print >>sys.stderr, "OVERRIDE", num, "with 255"
num = 255
def bytehex2(num):
if num<10:
return chr(num+ord('0'))
return chr(num+ord('a')-10)
return bytehex2(num/16)+bytehex2(num%16)
return '#'+bytehex(int(r*255))+bytehex(int(g*255))+bytehex(int(b*255))
This is what I got in the logs:
neutral_meson.png, not found
xyzwupgrading dodo.blank dumbfire_3pack_ammo 1 1 true
upgrading dodo.blank swarm_3pack_ammo 2 2 true
dot 0.956419xyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwOVERRIDE -636475304764 with 0
OVERRIDE -1900922166538 with 0
OVERRIDE -636475304764 with 0
OVERRIDE -1900922166538 with 0
OVERRIDE -636475304764 with 0
OVERRIDE -1900922166538 with 0
OVERRIDE -636475304764 with 0
OVERRIDE -1900922166538 with 0
OVERRIDE -2046153245590 with 0
xyzwSITUATION IS 1force change 0 bool False
adding 5 of Coffee cargo for 1.20449195996
decrementing bounty to 1
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
With that patch it also doesn't crash anymore after landing from a
mission; I'm not however proposing the patch as a solution, as those
ugly values are surely coming from someplace broken.
I can't help noticing that both me and the other submitter are on amd64.
GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at debian.org>
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