Bug#307992: Here is the backtrace
Enrico Zini
enrico at enricozini.org
Wed Sep 19 20:42:04 UTC 2007
I managed to get the backtrace. This bug is annoying, as it means that
I cannot do any mission in the game. I'll have to do some trading and
exploration while you have a look :)
Note that when vegastrike is in that state, killing it normally wouldn't
work. I tried a number of signals, but SIGKILL seemed to be the only
one that did the job.
Vega Strike
See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for license details.
Found data in /usr/share/games/vegastrike
Using /usr/share/games/vegastrike as data directory
Using .vegastrike.4.x as the home directory
Found MODDIR = /usr/share/games/vegastrike/mods
USING HOMEDIR : /home/enrico/.vegastrike.4.x As the home directory
CONFIGFILE - Found a config file in home directory, using : /home/enrico/.vegastrike.4.x/vegastrike.config
DATADIR - No datadir specified in config file, using ; /usr/share/games/vegastrike
MISSION_NAME is empty using : explore_universe.mission
running import sys
print sys.path
sys.path = [r"/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/builtin/",r"/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/",r"/usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases/"]
testing VS randomrunning import sys
print sys.path
['/usr/lib/python24.zip', '/usr/lib/python2.4', '/usr/lib/python2.4/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.4/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Numeric', '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/PIL', '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/cairo', '/var/lib/python-support/python2.4', '/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/gtk-2.0', '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode']
['/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/builtin/', '/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/', '/usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases/']
OpenGL Extensions supported: GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_cull_vertex GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_convolution GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_histogram GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_INGR_blend_func_separate GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_OES_read_format GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGI_color_table GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays
OpenGL::GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array unsupported
OpenGL::Accurate Fog Distance unsupported
OpenGL::Generic Texture Compression unsupported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Compression unsupported
OpenGL::Multitexture unsupported
OpenGL::TextureCubeMapExt unsupported
OpenGL::EXTColorTable unsupported
Setting Screen to w 1024 h 768 and pitch of 4096 and 32 bpp 4 bytes per pix mode
0 joysticks were found.
The names of the joysticks are:
FactionXML:LoadXML factions.xml
logos/mechanistSec.png, not found
logos/mechanistPri.png, not found
logos/shmrnSec.png, not found
logos/shmrnPri.png, not found
logos/rlaan_briinSec.png, not found
logos/rlaan_briinPri.png, not found
xyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwHi helper play 0
HereFound ship named : llama.begin
Found faction in save file : 0
Exiting ReadSavedPackets
Hi helper play 0
xyzwxyzwxyzwCannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
xyzwCannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File asteroids.bfxm
klkk_cyl.png, not found
neutral_wh_rgb_stable.png, not found
neutral_wh_spec_stable.png, not found
neutral_atm.png, not found
klkk_barracks.jpg, not found
klkk_barracksPPL.jpg, not found
klkk_barracksGLOW.jpg, not found
xyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwCannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflak.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflakgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflak.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflakgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflak.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflakgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflak.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflakgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflak.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflakgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflak.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflakgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflak.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflakgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflak.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflakgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflak.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflakgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflak.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretflakgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
klkk_relay.jpg, not found
klkk_relayPPL.jpg, not found
klkk_relayGLOW.jpg, not found
xyzwCannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
xyzwxyzwyzwHereUnit file rock not found
Assertion failed unit_generic.cpp:711 Unit rock not found
Warning: Cannot locate rock
klkk_blank.png, not found
xyz palette w
klkk_mining.jpg, not found
klkk_miningPPL.jpg, not found
xyzwCannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
xyzwxyzwMin (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) Max(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) MinLumin 1.000000, MaxLumin 1.000000Read In Star Count 0 used: 2000
xyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwMin (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) Max(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) MinLumin 1.000000, MaxLumin 1.000000Read In Star Count 0 used: 38
Loading a starsystem
WARNING: no section/variable/color named projectile_means_missile
Loading Star System Crucible/Cephid_17
Next To: Crucible/Oldziey
Next To: Crucible/Everett
Next To: Crucible/Enyo
Next To: Crucible/Cardell
Next To: Crucible/Stirling
Next To: Crucible/17-arWARNING: no section named terrain
WARNING: no section named terrain
WARNING: no section named terrain
Hi helper play 0
privateer_llama_connector.jpg, not found
privateer_llama_connectorPPL.jpg, not found
privateer_llama_catamaran.jpg, not found
privateer_llama_catamaranPPL.jpg, not found
privateer_llama_body.jpg, not found
privateer_llama_bodyPPL.jpg, not found
neutral_laser.png, not found
neutral_galva.png, not found
xyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzw/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/dynamic_news.py:120: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file /usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/dynamic_news_content.py on line 53, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
import dynamic_news_content
Herepox -487682138.213565 2058981080.002503 -564467043.410464
done loading rand enc
{'pirates': 30, 'forsaken': 20, 'rlaan': 772, 'ISO': 14, 'planets': 0, 'upgrades': 0, 'homeland-security': 0, 'unknown': 111, 'klkk': 17, 'unadorned': 37, 'mechanist': 29, 'LIHW': 159, 'merchant': 1, 'privateer': 0, 'aera': 707, 'dgn': 1, 'luddites': 19, 'hunter': 0, 'andolian': 148, 'rlaan_briin': 0, 'neutral': 0, 'confed': 19, 'highborn': 23, 'purist': 199, 'shaper': 98, 'shmrn': 5, 'uln': 26}
reading base names confed
reading base names aera
reading base names rlaan
reading base names merchant
reading base names luddites
reading base names pirates
reading base names hunter
reading base names homeland-security
reading base names ISO
reading base names unknown
reading base names andolian
reading base names highborn
reading base names shaper
reading base names unadorned
reading base names purist
reading base names forsaken
reading base names LIHW
reading base names uln
reading base names dgn
reading base names klkk
reading base names mechanist
reading base names shmrn
reading base names rlaan_briin
Second Load
init random enc
end random enc
Force feedback support disabled when compiled
Loading completed, now network init
Writing Save Game test2explore_universe_difficultyHi helper play 0
HereHi helper play 0
HereHi helper play 0
Hereimport patrol
temp=patrol.patrol(0, 7, 1000, 3580, ['Crucible/Cephid_17'])
warning: Unknown tag: python
yzwdot -0.265434dot 0.062158xyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzw/usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases/bar.py:10: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\x92' in file /usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases/bartender.py on line 53, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
import bartender
xyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwCROSS 0.000000
init playerdat
done playerdat
launching bases for Crucible/Cephid_17
finding quest
resetting sigdist=8000.000000 detdist=40000.000000
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at 1
decrementing bounty to 1
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at 0
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at 0
['fr'] Not in Habitable List
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at 0
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at 0
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
['v'] Not in Habitable List
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
decrementing bounty to 0
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at 0
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at -1
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at -1
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
['v', 'v', 'afr'] Not in Habitable List
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
decrementing bounty to -1
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at -1
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
decrementing bounty to -2
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at -2
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at -2
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Processing News
*** Get teh fixer to display!!!
there are 1 campagins
*** getting current node
<campaign_lib.CampaignClickNode instance at 0x15c80440>
*** read position from save game: for vega_strike_campaign: [0]
<campaign_lib.CampaignChoiceNode instance at 0x15c80fc8>
*** :-) ***
['Crucible', 'Cephid_17']==?==['crucible', 'cephid_17']
*** Test if docked to: atlantis
llama.begin not docked to unit
*** Compare miningbase == atlantis
Compare serenity == atlantis
Phillies not docked to unit
JumpToEnyo not docked to unit
JumpToCardell not docked to unit
fighter_barracks not docked to unit
Wiley not docked to unit
Broadway not docked to unit
Atlantis not docked to unit
relay not docked to unit
JumpToOldziey not docked to unit
JumpToEverett not docked to unit
JumpToStirling not docked to unit
Cephid_17 B not docked to unit
Cephid_17 A not docked to unit
JumpTo17-ar not docked to unit
AFieldJumpThin not docked to unit
*** insystem return false!!
*** no contingency!
*** no actuve node for vega_strike_campaign
*** No node
curmodechange 1
launch near
whole list: [['Natural_Products/Food', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 5.0, 3.0], ['Natural_Products/Liquor', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['Natural_Products/Plants', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 2.0, 2.0], ['Natural_Products/Natural_Resources', 0.69999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Crude', 0.65000000000000002, 0.20000000000000001, 42.0, 15.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Precious', 0.65000000000000002, 0.20000000000000001, 22.0, 5.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Alloys', 0.80000000000000004, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Radioactive', 0.65000000000000002, 0.20000000000000001, 25.0, 5.0], ['Raw_Materials/Gems/Jewelry', 1.05, 0.10000000000000001, 10.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Gems/Industrial', 0.69999999999999996, 0.20000000000000001, 22.0, 7.0], ['Raw_Materials/Stone', 0.69999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 7.0, 3.0], ['Fuels/Crude', 0.69999999999999996, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Fuels/Refined', 1.1000000000000001, 0.20000000000000001, 3.0, 2.0], ['Compressed_Gasses', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 5.0, 5.0], ['Recycled_Products', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Machinery_Goods', 1.2, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Aerospace_Supplies', 0.80000000000000004, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Agriculteral_Supplies', 0.69999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Mining_Supplies', 1.3, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['Supplies/Construction_Supplies', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['Supplies/Medical_Supplies', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 5.0, 3.0], ['Electronics', 0.90000000000000002, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Electronics/Robotics', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['Manufactured_Goods', 0.69999999999999996, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Entertainment', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['Contraband', 1.1000000000000001, 0.40000000000000002, 0.0, 0.0], ['starships/Confed/Light', 1.0, 0.0, 12.0, 5.0], ['starships/Confed/Medium', 1.0, 0.0, 6.0, 3.0], ['starships/Militia/Light', 1.0, 0.0, 12.0, 5.0], ['starships/Militia/Medium', 1.0, 0.0, 6.0, 3.0], ['starships/Merchant/Light', 1.0, 0.0, 12.0, 5.0], ['starships/Merchant/Medium', 1.0, 0.0, 6.0, 3.0], ['starships/Hunter/Light', 1.0, 0.0, 12.0, 5.0], ['starships/Hunter/Medium', 1.0, 0.0, 6.0, 3.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Mounted_Guns_Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Mounted_Guns_Medium', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 6.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Beam_Arrays_Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 6.0, 3.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Beam_Arrays_Medium', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, -2.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Mount_Enhancements', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, -12.0, 15.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Turrets', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['upgrades/Miscellaneous/SubUnits', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['upgrades/Reactors/Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Reactors/Medium', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 6.0, 3.0], ['upgrades/Engines/Engine_Enhancements_Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 5.0, 2.0], ['upgrades/Engines/Engine_Enhancements_Medium', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, -2.0, 7.0], ['upgrades/Shield_Systems/Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Capacitors/Reactors', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Capacitors/Shields', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Shield_Systems/Medium', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 6.0, 3.0], ['upgrades/Armor_Modification', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 6.0], ['upgrades/Hull_Upgrades', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 6.0], ['upgrades/ECM_Systems', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 6.0, 3.0], ['upgrades/Repair_Systems', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 2.0, 1.0], ['upgrades/Radar/Basic', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 6.0, 3.0], ['upgrades/Miscellaneous', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 3.0, 2.0], ['upgrades/Ammunition', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 21.0, 5.0]]
adding 9 of shield_2_Level1 cargo for 1.02927725401
whole list: []
whole list: []
whole list: [['Natural_Products/Food', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 5.0, 3.0], ['Natural_Products/Liquor', 0.80000000000000004, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Natural_Products/Plants', 0.69999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Natural_Products/Natural_Resources', 0.69999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Crude', 0.65000000000000002, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Precious', 0.65000000000000002, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Alloys', 0.80000000000000004, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Radioactive', 0.65000000000000002, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Gems/Jewelry', 1.05, 0.10000000000000001, 10.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Gems/Industrial', 0.69999999999999996, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Stone', 0.69999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Fuels/Crude', 0.69999999999999996, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Fuels/Refinexyzwxyzwd', 1.1000000000000001, 0.20000000000000001, 3.0, 2.0], ['Compressed_Gasses', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 5.0, 5.0], ['Recycled_Products', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Machinery_Goods', 1.2, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Aerospace_Supplies', 0.80000000000000004, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Agriculteral_Supplies', 0.69999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Mining_Supplies', 1.3, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['Supplies/Construction_Supplies', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['Supplies/Medical_Supplies', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 5.0, 3.0], ['Electronics', 0.90000000000000002, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Electronics/Robotics', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['Manufactured_Goods', 0.69999999999999996, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Entertainment', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['Contraband', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ['starships/Confed/Light', 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.0], ['starships/Confed/Medium', 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.0], ['starships/Confed/Heavy', 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.0], ['starships/Confed/Milspec', 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Mounted_Guns_Confed_Milspec', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 2.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Beam_Arrays_Confed_Milspec', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 4.0, 4.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Turrets', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['upgrades/Miscellaneous/SubUnits', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['upgrades/Engines/Confed_Milspec', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Shield_Systems/Confed_Milspec', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Armor_Modification/Confed_Milspec', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Hull_Upgrades/Confed_Milspec', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/ECM_Systems/Confed_Milspec', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Radar/Intermediate', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Miscellaneous/Confed_Milspec', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Ammunition', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 37.0, 7.0]]
adding 12 of Hawkeye_ZX-16 cargo for 1.00732172513
Run python:
Asking to undock
whole list: []
whole list: []
whole list: [['Natural_Products/Food', 0.75, 0.10000000000000001, 2500.0, 500.0], ['Natural_Products/Liquor', 0.90000000000000002, 0.10000000000000001, 200.0, 400.0], ['Natural_Products/Plants', 1.1000000000000001, 0.22, 0.0, 0.0], ['Natural_Products/Natural_Resources', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Crude', 0.94999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Precious', 0.94999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Alloys', 0.94999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Radioactive', 0.80000000000000004, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Gems/Jewelry', 1.2, 0.14999999999999999, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Gems/Industrial', 1.1000000000000001, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Stone', 0.5, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Fuels/Crude', 0.80000000000000004, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Fuels/Refined', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 8.0, 2.0], ['Compressed_Gasses', 0.69999999999999996, 0.20000000000000001, 700.0, 200.0], ['Recycled_Products', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Machinery_Goods', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 10.0, 4.0], ['Supplies/Aerospace_Supplies', 0.80000000000000004, 0.10000000000000001, 400.0, 200.0], ['Supplies/Agriculteral_Supplies', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Mining_Supplies', 0.90000000000000002, 0.10000000000000001, 100.0, 200.0], ['Supplies/Construction_Supplies', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Medical_Supplies', 0.80000000000000004, 0.10000000000000001, 150.0, 75.0], ['Research/Environmental', 13.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0], ['Electronics', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Electronics/Robotics', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Manufactured_Goods', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Manufactured_Goods/Perflubrons', 1.3999999999999999, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Entertainment', 0.80000000000000004, 0.10000000000000001, 200.0, 50.0], ['Contraband', 1.3, 0.29999999999999999, -120.0, 120.0], ['Contraband/Aera', 1.2, 0.14999999999999999, -120.0, 120.0], ['starships/Militia/Light', 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0], ['starships/Merchant/Light', 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0], ['starships/Merchant/Medium', 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0], ['starships/Hunter/Light', 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Mounted_Guns_Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 4.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Mounted_Guns_Medium', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 3.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Beam_Arrays_Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Beam_Arrays_Medium', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, -3.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Mount_Enhancements', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, -50.0, 51.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Turrets', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 1.0], ['upgrades/Miscellaneous/SubUnits', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 1.0], ['upgrades/Reactors/Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 6.0], ['upgrades/Reactors/Medium', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 6.0], ['upgrades/Capacitors/Reactors', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, -3.0, 6.0], ['upgrades/Capacitors/Shields', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, -3.0, 6.0], ['upgrades/Shield_Systems/Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 6.0], ['upgrades/Shield_Systems/Medium', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, -2.0, 6.0], ['upgrades/Armor_Modification', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Hull_Upgrades', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 2.0], ['upgrades/ECM_Systems', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 3.0], ['upgrades/Repair_Systems', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, -2.0, 4.0], ['upgrades/Radar/Basic', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 6.0], ['upgrades/Radar/Intermediate', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 8.0], ['upgrades/Radar/Advanced', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, -5.0, 17.0], ['upgrades/Miscellaneous', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 1.0], ['upgrades/Ammunition', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 28.0], ['upgrades/Engines/Engine_Enhancements_Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 2.0], ['upgrades/Engines/Engine_Enhancements_Medium', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 2.0]]
whole list: [['Natural_Products/Food', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 5.0, 3.0], ['Natural_Products/Liquor', 0.90000000000000002, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['Natural_Products/Plants', 0.80000000000000004, 0.10000000000000001, 2.0, 2.0], ['Natural_Products/Natural_Resources', 0.69999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Crude', 0.65000000000000002, 0.20000000000000001, 24.0, 15.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Precious', 0.65000000000000002, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Alloys', 0.80000000000000004, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Metals/Radioactive', 0.65000000000000002, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Gems/Jewelry', 0.80000000000000004, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Gems/Industrial', 0.69999999999999996, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Raw_Materials/Stone', 0.69999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Fuels/Crude', 0.69999999999999996, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Fuels/Refined', 1.2, 0.29999999999999999, 3.0, 2.0], ['Compressed_Gasses', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 5.0, 5.0], ['Recycled_Products', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Machinery_Goods', 1.2, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Aerospace_Supplies', 0.80000000000000004, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Agriculteral_Supplies', 0.69999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Mining_Supplies', 0.69999999999999996, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Construction_Supplies', 0.80000000000000004, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Supplies/Medical_Supplies', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 5.0, 3.0], ['Electronics', 1.1000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Electronics/Robotics', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['Manufactured_Goods', 0.69999999999999996, 0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0], ['Entertainment', 1.2, 0.10000000000000001, 1.0, 1.0], ['Contraband', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ['starships/Confed/Light', 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Mounted_Guns_Confed_Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 2.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Weapons/Beam_Arrays_Confed_Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 2.0, 4.0], ['upgrades/Engines/Confed_Milspec', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, -1.0, 2.0], ['upgrades/Shield_Systems/Confed_Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Armor_Modification/Confed_Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Hull_Upgrades/Confed_Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/ECM_Systems/Confed_Light', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Radar/Advanced', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 12.0, 5.0], ['upgrades/Ammunition', 1.0, 0.10000000000000001, 10.0, 2.0]]
WARNING: color docking_box_halt not defined, using default (white)
WARNING: color docking_box_proceed not defined, using default (white)
dot 0.272857dot 0.062317yzwyzwyzwyzwyzwyzwyzwyzwyzwwhole list: []
adding 4 of tractor_beam cargo for 0.915756245313
adding 5 of Marble cargo for 0.727417986061
adding 2 of laser cargo for 0.972491109824
adding 3 of Meats cargo for 1.25078929397
exploration: Vega/Uncultivable_768
exploration: Vega/Uncultivable_768
exploration: Vega/Uncultivable_1270
exploration: Sol/LTT_11655
adding 2068 of Produce cargo for 0.813511013087
adding 3 of ancestor.blank cargo for 1.0
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 1
decrementing bounty to 1
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 0
['fr'] Not in Habitable List
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 0
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 0
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 0
['v', 'gd', '*r', 'gg'] Not in Habitable List
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 0
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 0
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 0
['gm', '*r', 'gg', '*r'] Not in Habitable List
['v'] Not in Habitable List
['v'] Not in Habitable List
['gd'] Not in Habitable List
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
decrementing bounty to 0
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at -1
['gm', '*r', '*oa', 'gg', '*oa'] Not in Habitable List
['gm', '*r', '*oa', 'gg', '*oa'] Not in Habitable List
['gm', '*r', '*oa', 'gg', '*oa'] Not in Habitable List
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Processing News
*** Get teh fixer to display!!!
there are 1 campagins
*** getting current node
*** read stuff from savegame
*** :-) ***
['Crucible', 'Cephid_17']==?==['crucible', 'cephid_17']
*** Test if docked to: atlantis
llama.begin not docked to unit
*** Compare miningbase == atlantis
Compare serenity == atlantis
Phillies not docked to unit
JumpToEnyo not docked to unit
JumpToCardell not docked to unit
fighter_barracks not docked to unit
Wiley not docked to unit
Broadway not docked to unit
Atlantis not docked to unit
relay not docked to unit
JumpToOldziey not docked to unit
JumpToEverett not docked to unit
JumpToStirling not docked to unit
Cephid_17 B not docked to unit
Cephid_17 A not docked to unit
JumpTo17-ar not docked to unit
AFieldJumpThin not docked to unit
*** insystem return false!!
*** no contingency!
*** no actuve node for vega_strike_campaign
*** No node
adding 2151 of Animal_Products cargo for 0.698846708634
Run python:
Asking to undock
WARNING: no section/variable/color named switchToTargetModeOnKey
highborn_destiny.png, not found
highborn_destinyPPL.jpg, not found
neutral_razor.png, not found
yzwyzwyzwyzwyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwxyzw adding 6 of Cryogenic_Supplies cargo for 1.08145803428
adding 5 of Coffee cargo for 1.28688731616
adding 81 of Syringes cargo for 0.815765429148
adding 16 of emp_torpedo_ammo cargo for 1.03183855812
adding 4 of ancestor cargo for 1.0
adding 4 of Natural_Sculptures cargo for 0.792307668173
adding 7 of Meats cargo for 1.18394757293
adding 13 of Spare_Parts cargo for 1.16612194976
adding 5 of progeny.blank cargo for 1.0
adding 7 of Diesel cargo for 1.08295052025
curmodechange 0
adding 1 of Robotic_Laborers cargo for 1.17414978701
Removing one Diesel
adding 1 of tractor_heavy cargo for 0.966982090784
Removing one Animal_Products
adding 8 of Deut-Deut_Fusion_Fuel cargo for 1.09439781341
adding 10 of Emeralds cargo for 1.10026043798
curmodechange 1
launch near
no flight group for faction: confed in system Crucible/Cephid_17.
no flight group for faction: aera in system Crucible/Cephid_17.
Probability numbers: 2 10
Chance for rlaan ship: 0.2
Random number: 0.728963; will generate ship: 0
Probability numbers: 1 10
Chance for merchant ship: 0.1
Random number: 0.206473; will generate ship: 0
no flight group for faction: luddites in system Crucible/Cephid_17.
Probability numbers: 1 10
Chance for pirates ship: 0.1
Random number: 0.503203; will generate ship: 0
Probability numbers: 2 10
Chance for hunter ship: 0.2
Random number: 0.646224; will generate ship: 0
Probability numbers: 3 10
Chance for homeland-security ship: 0.3
Random number: 0.823812; will generate ship: 0
no flight group for faction: ISO in system Crucible/Cephid_17.
no flight group for faction: unknown in system Crucible/Cephid_17.
Probability numbers: 2 10
Chance for andolian ship: 0.2
Random number: 0.599385; will generate ship: 0
Probability numbers: 2 10
Chance for highborn ship: 0.2
Random number: 0.120325; will generate ship: 1
FG Name: "Belluno_Squadron", ShipTypes: [('lancelot', 1)]
after 1[None]
Launch nexting lancelot
WARNING: no section/variable/color named ReactionTime
WARNING: no section/variable/color named Aggressivity
WARNING: no section/variable/color named obedience
purist_wayfarer.png, not found
purist_wayfarerPPL.jpg, not found
neutral_massdriver.png, not found
uln_longhaul.png, not found
uln_longhaulPPL.jpg, not found
xyzwCannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeam.bfxm
Cannot Open Mesh File turretbeamgun.bfxm
neutral_plasma.png, not found
uln_shield.bmp, not found
mechanist_lekra.jpg, not found
mechanist_lekra-light.jpg, not found
xyzwhighbornlaunched Belluno_Squadron:lancelot0-1SITUATION IS 1force change 0 bool False
Probability numbers: 2 10
Chance for shaper ship: 0.2
Random number: 0.636437; will generate ship: 0
Probability numbers: 3 10
Chance for unadorned ship: 0.3
Random number: 0.860188; will generate ship: 0
Probability numbers: 2 10
Chance for purist ship: 0.2
Random number: 0.00851435; will generate ship: 1
FG Name: "North_Haledon_Squadron", ShipTypes: [('plowshare', 1)]
after 1[None]
Launch nexting plowshare
puristlaunched North_Haledon_Squadron:plowshare0-1SITUATION IS 1force change 0 bool False
Probability numbers: 2 10
Chance for forsaken ship: 0.2
Random number: 0.344953; will generate ship: 0
Probability numbers: 3 10
Chance for LIHW ship: 0.3
Random number: 0.478084; will generate ship: 0
Probability numbers: 4 10
Chance for uln ship: 0.4
Random number: 0.301171; will generate ship: 1
FG Name: "Bewitchingly_Squadron", ShipTypes: [('mule', 1)]
after 1[None]
Launch nexting mule
ulnlaunched Bewitchingly_Squadron:mule0-1SITUATION IS 1force change 0 bool False
Probability numbers: 1 10
Chance for dgn ship: 0.1
Random number: 0.472053; will generate ship: 0
Probability numbers: 1 10
Chance for klkk ship: 0.1
Random number: 0.562097; will generate ship: 0
Probability numbers: 1 10
Chance for mechanist ship: 0.1
Random number: 0.0530223; will generate ship: 1
FG Name: "Bonaventure_Squadron", ShipTypes: [('convolution.blank', 1)]
after 1[None]
Launch nexting convolution.blank
mechanistlaunched Bonaventure_Squadron:convolution.blank0-1upgrading convolution.blank laser 0 0 true
upgrading convolution.blank laser 1 1 true
upgrading convolution.blank shield_2 0 0 false
Upgrading Shield2 level 0... percent=0.0
upgrading convolution.blank shield_4 0 0 false
Upgrading Shield4 level 0... percent=0.0
upgrading convolution.blank Hawkeye_ZX-86 0 0 false
upgrading convolution.blank afterburner_generic 0 0 false
upgrading convolution.blank jump_drive 2 2 true
upgrading convolution.blank add_micro_shielding 0 0 false
upgrading convolution.blank plasteel 0 0 false
upgrading convolution.blank meson_blaster 0 0 true
neutral_meson.png, not found
xyzwupgrading convolution.blank image_recognition_3pack_ammo 1 1 true
upgrading convolution.blank friend_or_foe_3pack_ammo 2 2 true
dot 0.906910xyzwxyzwxyzwxyzwSITUATION IS 1force change 0 bool False
Probability numbers: 1 10
Chance for shmrn ship: 0.1
Random number: 0.186843; will generate ship: 0
adding 6 of Cryogenic_Supplies cargo for 1.08906529833
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 1
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 1
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 0
['fr'] Not in Habitable List
decrementing bounty to 1
['gd', 'afr'] Not in Habitable List
['gd', 'afr'] Not in Habitable List
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 0
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Generated defendY with insys at: 2 and outsys at 0
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at 0
['gd'] Not in Habitable List
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at 0
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Generated defendY with insys at: 1 and outsys at 0
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
reading company names
generating cargo briefing
Processing News
*** Get teh fixer to display!!!
there are 1 campagins
*** getting current node
*** read stuff from savegame
*** :-) ***
['Crucible', 'Cephid_17']==?==['crucible', 'cephid_17']
*** Test if docked to: atlantis
convolution.blank not docked to unit
mule not docked to unit
plowshare not docked to unit
lancelot not docked to unit
llama.begin not docked to unit
MiningBase not docked to unit
Phillies not docked to unit
JumpToEnyo not docked to unit
JumpToCardell not docked to unit
fighter_barracks not docked to unit
Wiley not docked to unit
Broadway not docked to unit
*** Compare atlantis == atlantis
Compare ocean == atlantis
*** inSystem return true
[('Hauler', 'That was lucky, I thought I might have missed you!'), ('Deucalion', "I think you've mistaken me for someone else."), ('Hauler', "No, I'm certain, you're from the llama that just docked."), 'Deucalion stares ambiguously at this vexacious interruption.', ('Deucalion', "I'm not buying."), ('Hauler', "No, no, no. You misunderstand, I'm a freight merchant, my hauler has broken down and I need help delivering the rest of my shipment."), ('Deucalion', "I've got my own problems right now, find someo--"), ('Hauler', "Jenek, my name's Jenek. Look, just two crates, just two systems. Anything at all would be great."), ('Deucalion', "I'm sor--"), ('Jenek', "I can't pay you anything, but I'll be in your personal debt. What do you say?")]
*** Base.message(('Hauler', 'That was lucky, I thought I might have missed you!'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "oceandayneutral.py", line 6, in ?
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases/ocean_lib.py", line 18, in MakeLandingAndConcourse
room2 = bar.MakeOceanBar(room1,'bases/ocean/ocean_bar'+time_of_day,'bases/bartender_default.py')
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases/bar.py", line 76, in MakeOceanBar
[(0.4725, -.735 , 0.5, .8),(-0.875, -0.38858125, 0.1758125, 0.5385)])
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases/bar.py", line 29, in MakeBar
func(room0,[(fixerlocations[0][0],fixerlocations[0][1],fixerlocations[0][2],fixerlocations[0][3],"_1"),(fixerlocations[1][0],fixerlocations[1][1],fixerlocations[1][2],fixerlocations[1][3],"_2")])#add more locations?
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases/fixers.py", line 269, in CreateFixers
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases/fixers.py", line 227, in CreateCampaignFixers
fixerlist = getCampaignFixers(room)
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases/fixers.py", line 99, in getCampaignFixers
return campaign_lib.getFixersToDisplay(room)
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/campaign_lib.py", line 1243, in getFixersToDisplay
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/campaign_lib.py", line 1206, in getActiveCampaignNodes
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/campaign_lib.py", line 806, in getCurrentNode
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/campaign_lib.py", line 911, in evaluate
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/campaign_lib.py", line 269, in displayText
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/campaign_lib.py", line 245, in textline
return getcolor(str(strs[0]))+str(strs[0])+": #000000"+str(strs[1])
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/campaign_lib.py", line 227, in getcolor
return tohex(1-((h-.8333333)/.1666666),0,1)
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/campaign_lib.py", line 212, in tohex
return '#'+bytehex(int(r*255))+bytehex(int(g*255))+bytehex(int(b*255))
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/campaign_lib.py", line 211, in bytehex
return bytehex2(num/16)+bytehex2(num%16)
File "/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/campaign_lib.py", line 208, in bytehex2
return chr(num+ord('0'))
ValueError: chr() arg not in range(256)
GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at debian.org>
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