Bug#385115: Chromium BSU sounds/music issue

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Sun Jan 6 08:49:55 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-01-05 at 16:11 -0800, Mark B. Allan wrote:

> That's an accurate summary. I started working on the music,
> but I never finished... and chances are good that I won't
> ever get back to it.

Could you make that partially completed music available? Perhaps Brian
or Daniel could complete it?

> That's fine if you want to go ahead and repackage it, although I do
> ask that you make it clear that the distribution has been altered (to
> comply with the Artistic License)

Will do.

> I have no idea what search terms I used to find the
> sounds... that was a looong time ago and probably something
> as simple as 'explosion' :) I actually did create some of
> the sounds myself, but I couldn't tell you which ones at
> this point.

Hmm, ok. If you do remember which ones, please let us know so we can
re-add them to the data package.

> As a side note, I just went to the partnersinrhyme website
> - they do explicitly say that it's ok to distribute the
> loops in video games:
> http://www.partnersinrhyme.com/pir/free_music_loops.shtml
> Don't know if that's enough to comply w/ Debian's policy.

Doesn't seem to explicitly allow modification, so I don't think so.


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