Bug#481264: simutrans: crash during playing

Ansgar Burchardt ansgar at 2008.43-1.org
Wed May 14 22:26:30 UTC 2008


M K wrote:
> 1. problem. The package from current Debian testing repository is after 
> install very unstable. When you make several action,  become some
> crash in it.  You can for example build some road an then take full
> zoom  in and out and at that moment the simutrans fall down.  

Can you describe what exactly caused simutrans to crash?  I could
build some roads on a new map with the default map settings without
problems.  Zooming also didn't cause a crash.

Does the problem still occur if you rebuild the package from source
(without adding debug symbols)?


PGP: 1024D/595FAD19  739E 2D09 0969 BEA9 9797  B055 DDB0 2FF7 595F AD19

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