r11601 - in packages/trunk/rott/debian: . patches

Stephen Kitt steve at sk2.org
Sun Jan 16 12:21:50 UTC 2011

Hi Fabian,

On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 09:47:21 +0100, Fabian Greffrath <fabian at greffrath.com>
> Am 08.01.2011 14:13, schrieb Stephen Kitt:
> > I had a similar patch with a slightly different approach: I changed the
> > header file so that the #defines were no longer used, and supplied the
> > appropriate values on the make invocations. I'm attaching the patch, feel
> thank you very much for your mail. To be honest, I already knew about 
> your patch before I implemented my own solution. But I am also 
> responsible for rott upstream and wanted to avoid both changes to the 
> build system without need as well as Debianisms, i.e. patches that are 
> only applied in Debian but not upstream (for the aforementioned reason).

That's perfectly sensible! Would it not be interesting though for the
upstream source to build all four binaries as well?

> > free to use bits of it or whatever (since your version obviously works
> > anyway, and you make better use of the dh tools!).
> Well, not really. I have found out that "dh clean" does not call 
> dh_auto_clean if it is found in the debhelper log, so it is a bad idea 
> to call it in foreign rules. However, I have added another patch that 
> makes all object files depend on the develop.h header, so they get 
> rebuild whenever this header is changed. This idea came when reviewing 
> your patch, so thanks again!

That's even better! The next step would be to figure out exactly which files
need rebuilt ;-)

> > Regards, and thanks for looking after the rott package,
> No matter, the package is team-maintained so please feel free to add 
> whatever you think is reasonable (BTW, I have CC:ed pkg-games, because 
> I think discussing team-maintained packages should not be private 
> communication). Any help with the package is highly appreciated.

Duly noted!



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