r11601 - in packages/trunk/rott/debian: . patches

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Mon Jan 17 08:45:09 UTC 2011

Am 16.01.2011 13:21, schrieb Stephen Kitt:
> That's perfectly sensible! Would it not be interesting though for the
> upstream source to build all four binaries as well?

Maybe, I'll consider it, although I think that providing all variants 
is the distributor's task. People who rebuild the sources generally 
only want one specific variant.

> That's even better! The next step would be to figure out exactly which files
> need rebuilt ;-)

That should be easily achievable with a rule like this:

	$(CC) $CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MM $< | \
	sed 's/^$(@F:%.d=%.o):/$@ $(@:%.d=%.o):/' > $@

But simply depending on the develop.h header is more intuitive and 
leads to the same result anyway, I believe.

> Duly noted!


Best Regards,

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