Bug#585782: Bishop .K. Emmanuel G. Rajn, from India I await your reply prayerfully
emmanuel G Raju korrati
emmanuelgrajun at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 12:24:58 UTC 2011
I am ministering for the Lord as a Church pastor since 29 years in
India. In the most highly exalted name our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ I greet you. I believe that God has privileged me to send this
email to you.
I come to you in the name of Jesus. I am a missionary by name Rev. K.
Emmanuel G. Rajn from India. I am a man with a zeal and ambition to
spread the Gospel in the never reached areas. In this regard I wish to
have your prayerful encouragement. If you have any suggestion please
don't hesitate. My aim is to win the perishing souls. Please remember
my efforts in your regular prayers. At the same time I wish to
continue to correspondence with you for a spiritual fellowship. I wish
for a reciprocal cooperation in the extension of the Kingdom of God.
If you want to ask about me any thing please email me and I will tell
you more about myself and at the same time I wish to know about you. I
await your reply prayerfully. Planning to start the TV ministry (to
preach the word of God in TV)Praying for donors. Sincerely in the
Master's service, Please visit us in India
Lovingly yours in the service of the poor and needy, for our great God
We are praying for donors(sponsors) to meet all our needs in our
ministries in Jesus name.
I would be grateful to you,
Will you please help us to find donors to vow their offerings, tithe,
and donations for our ministries of Jesus in India.
Thanking you, God bless. My mobile no; 0917842355647,
Please contact or visit us in India.
Bishop .K. Emmanuel G. Rajn, from India I await your reply prayerfully
Emmanuel G. Raju n
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