Bug#625700: Cannot reproduce bug in sludge-engine

Jason Woofenden jason at jasonwoof.com
Mon May 9 02:49:12 UTC 2011

On 2011-05-07 01:24AM, Tobias Hansen wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for reporting. I can't reproduce this with sid i386 in
> Virtualbox. Please test if alure (audio library used by sludge)
> works with its example program.
> Install libalure-dev, then compile and run the alurestream example program:
> $ gcc /usr/share/doc/libalure-dev/examples/alurestream.c -lalure
> -lopenal -o alurestream
> $ ./alurestream some_audiofile
> That should give you some sound if alure works.

That works fine (tried it on a couple vorbis files.)

> Also what is the output if you run sludge-engine with debug output:
> $ sludge-engine -d1 gamefile

I did this:

sludge-engine -d1 LifeFlashesBy.slg 2>&1 | tee d1.log

And got: 

*** Engine compiled May  5 2011 at 01:33:50.
Video mode 1920 1080 set successfully.
Compiling vertex shader... 
Shader InfoLog:

Compiling fragment shader... 
Shader InfoLog:

Shaders compiled. 
Program InfoLog:

Shader program linked. 
Built shader program: 3 (smartScaler)
Compiling vertex shader... 
Shader InfoLog:

Compiling fragment shader... 
Shader InfoLog:

Shaders compiled. 
Program InfoLog:

Shader program linked. 
Built shader program: 6 (fixScaleSprite)
Compiling vertex shader... 
Shader InfoLog:

Compiling fragment shader... 
Shader InfoLog:

Shaders compiled. 
Program InfoLog:

Shader program linked. 
Built shader program: 9 (yuv)
OpenGL 2.0! All is good.
Max texture image units: 16
loadBankForAnim: New sprite bank created OK
loadBankForAnim: New sprite bank created OK
loadBankForAnim: New sprite bank created OK
loadBankForAnim: New sprite bank created OK
loadBankForAnim: New sprite bank created OK
loadBankForAnim: New sprite bank created OK

The game looks like it's running fine, I just don't hear anything.

Attached is an strace of a short run with some dialog.

Thanks,   - Jason
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