RFS: visualboyadvance/1.8.0.dfsg-2

Vincent Legout vincent at legout.info
Thu May 16 18:58:53 UTC 2013


Etienne Millon <etienne.millon at gmail.com> writes:

> * Vincent Legout <vincent at legout.info> [130513 22:39]:
>> It builds fine but it fails to build twice in a row because some files
>> in po/ are updated during the build. I'm not sure about the best fix,
>> but I think adding a patch with the updated version of the .po files and
>> deleting vba.pot in the clean target could be ok. Or the .po files must
>> not be updated during the build.
>> Can you please fix this and I'll upload ?
> Ah, good call. I discovered that it's now possible to pass --twice to
> pbuilder through --git-pbuilder-options, I'll make sure to test with
> that in the future.
> I disabled the recreation of vba.pot through the xgettext, because the
> tarball embeds an up-to-date copy (commit 58ae0d). I tried to
> regenerate the .po files at build time, but this fails to build twice
> in a row because the timestamps change.

Ok, thanks.

>> And 2 minor comments:
>> - Instead of calling aclocal, autoconf and automake in
>>   dh_auto_configure, do you know dh-autoreconf which calls autoreconf
>>   and then cleans everything ?
> I tried but unfortunately this does not work, because it recreates a
> lot of files (INSTALL, etc) and dh_autoreconf_clean deletes for
> example mkinstalldirs. It should be possible to save these files and
> restore them (writing a lot of logic), or repack the tarball, but just
> calling the autotools manually is the least ugly IMHO.

If I remember correctly, you don't have to save and restore any file,
dh-autoreconf takes care of everything. I think it's fine if some files
are deleted at the end of the build as long as they don't prevent
another build.

I tried with the following debian/rules but debclean failed because it
wants to run make distclean twice in po/. I didn't go further as your
solution is fine :)

	dh $@ --with autoreconf

	dh_auto_configure -- --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-gtk=2.4 --without-mmx

	find -name "Makefile" -delete
	find -name "Makefile.in" -delete
	find -type d -name ".deps" | xargs rm -rf;

> I repushed the package to alioth and re-uploaded the .dsc to mentors
> at the same URL.

Thanks, I've uploaded the package.


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