Bug#730554: New version - minetest 0.4.8 released; please add minetest-mod-* to Recommends

Martin Quinson martin.quinson at loria.fr
Thu Nov 28 16:34:26 UTC 2013

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 09:26:33PM +0200, Mantas Kriaučiūnas wrote:
> Hi Martin and others,
> Thanks for improving free software :)
> I think we need to have latest minetest 0.4.8 packages in Debian ASAP, so
> bellow are my suggestions:
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 04:10:31PM +0100, Martin Quinson wrote:
> > for the reccord, I did already gave a try at packaging 0.4.8. It seems 
> > however that upstream have patched one of their dependencies again (I 
> > may be wrong because I just updated the patches and gave it a spin 
> > without really investiguating the issue reported yet).
> > I strongly think that this is wrong to modify dependencies, so I'll
> > try to come up with a solution somehow. If you can help, eg by
> > providing a patch for this issue, it'd be really appreciated.
> I don't know what is the situation with minetest dependancies, but
> there are deb packages of minetest 0.4.8 release, see
> https://code.launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+recipe/minetest-c55-stable
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/minetest-c55/packaging/files
> Maybe these packages can help you to understand where is the problem?
> It seems minetestc55 0.4.8 packages were build by PilzAdam <PIlzAdam at minetest.net>
> or Sebastian Rühl https://launchpad.net/~sebastian-ruehl

I digged further, and the changes done to the embeeded version of
jthread cannot be done from outside as we did last time. We would have
to patch the system-wide version of jthread, but it become very
burdensome. I am giving up on this one, and I repacked the source
archive to not prune the embeeded version of jthread. Then, I changed
the build script to use that version of jthread.

Right now, the package fails because it cannot find some elements of
freetype. I gave a look at the packages that you are citing, but they
are not helping, unfortunately. They don't activate the translation,
they don't use freetype even if it was reported to help some of our

I will try to investiguate this further, and to go on upstream IRC
chan to discuss it a bit with the authors.

This mail is just to inform you that I'm not stranded yet. But
sometimes, ASAP takes some time unfortunately.

Bye, Mt.

PS: I pushed all my changes, feel free to try to fix it on your side,

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