Bug#730554: New version - minetest 0.4.8 released; please add minetest-mod-* to Recommends

Dominik George nik at naturalnet.de
Tue Nov 26 22:30:18 UTC 2013


> > If you want to become co-maintainer of minetest, I'd be very happy to 
> > welcome you in the "group" (I'm alone so far).
> Thanks for the invitation, but currently I can't become co-maintainer - my
> family steals whole my time :(
> Maybe previous minetest Debian packager Michael Gilbert <mgilbert at debian.org>
> or minetest-c55 packagers could help you?

I would be available as co-maintainer. I intend to bring forward
Minetest, and I began this work by packaing some important mods. I think
it would be a good thing if we could get together for all of this as a

> I think minetest-mod-mesecons is very important - it's packaging code is 
> already on debian git, see git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/minetest-mod-mesecons.git
> It seems there is only one improvement needed - to include textures by default,
> Dominik George <nik at naturalnet.de> tried to include textures, but without
> success, see 
> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-games/minetest-mod-mesecons.git;a=commitdiff;h=9165ad921a5ad811e7b83499e0fe7e2cd4a4bb88

I do not see what you mean by "without success" - you have to enable the
mesecons_textures mod inside Minetest, and it works. That's the intended
behaviour by upstream. If we want to change that behaviour in Debian,
just remove the trailing ? from my patch.


* concerning Mozilla code leaking assertion failures to tty without D-BUS *
<mirabilos> That means, D-BUS is a tool that makes software look better
            than it actually is.

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