Comments regarding foobillardplus_3.43~svn168+dfsg-1_i386.changes

Frank Gevaerts frank at
Mon Sep 2 16:48:31 UTC 2013

On Mon, Sep 02, 2013 at 03:39:17PM +0000, Paul Richards Tagliamonte wrote:
> Howdy folks,
> Does the maintainer of foobillard know that you're taking the binary
> package over? I would have expected to see foobillard's maintainer 
> in Uploaders or something.

As far as I'm concerned, feel free to go ahead. I haven't touched the
foobillard package during the last six years or so, and I don't play the
game enough any more to think I'm likely to get active again.

I've now (finally!) also replied to bug 718421 to make this clear.


> I'll hold this in NEW until I get an ACK back :)
> Cheers,
>   Paul

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