Bug#776059: Bug#762823: quake2: checksum and file name missing

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Fri Jan 23 13:10:54 UTC 2015

Am Freitag, den 23.01.2015, 12:58 +0000 schrieb Simon McVittie: 
> OK, then we should support this as an alternative in quake2.yaml.
> Please send size in bytes, sha1 and sha256 to the cloned
> g-d-p bug.

$ cksum baseq2/pak0.pak 
639175200 194965474 baseq2/pak0.pak

$ md5sum baseq2/pak0.pak 
4f7dafbfb99c30d5455bc63003da8357  baseq2/pak0.pak

$ sha1sum baseq2/pak0.pak 
6be3f40f61ab9534d503316f95ac766cbfe6e77c  baseq2/pak0.pak

$ sha256sum baseq2/pak0.pak 

> remember those details that's fine - I know a lot of people's
> copies of 90s games like this have moved from PC to PC for
> years without going back to the original media :-)

Yep, this. ;)

> Adding this seems like a reasonable thing to do at the same time -
> it was apparently in an earlier official patch, and is only a 330K
> download from the idstuff mirror of your choice, so I'm inclined
> to give it "official" status and put it in quake2-full-data.

Yes, please. I have always considered this file as part of the official
set. Apparently, I have first patched my copy of Q2 to 3.15 and then
later to 3.20 (though I am not really sure if this is really 3.20 that I
have, after all).

> We could maybe add the 64-player DM maps and q2ctf4a as well;
> those are a total of 8M compressed, which I think is on the borderline
> between "just put it in quake2-full-data" and "it's worth introducing
> quake2-bonus-data so people don't *have* to download it". Thoughts?
> (If it's separate, we should not enable the auto-download until #775080
> is fixed.)

Yes, maybe, although I have never before heard of them. But, if they are
on idsoftware mirrors, they are probably just as official as the
pak3.pak file and should be considered a worthy addition. That is, they
are not just random stuff downloaded from the internet.

- Fabian

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