Bug#803930: game-data-packager: please add support to create icons from the game data

Fabian Greffrath fabian at debian.org
Thu Sep 28 20:16:45 UTC 2017

Am Donnerstag, den 14.09.2017, 20:18 +0100 schrieb Simon McVittie:
> I have no plans to implement this (other people are better at Doom
> than
> I am) but I'd be happy to review a patch. The place to put it would be in
> DoomTask.fill_extra_files, in the game_data_packager/games/doom_common.py
> "game plugin".

Unfortunately, I am illiterate in python. :/

> unreal.py in the same directory has some examples of converting game
> files into icons, although they're downloaded from the Internet Archive
> rather than extracted from game data. (Actually, that might not be a bad
> idea for Doom - it would avoid relying on deutex, which realistically not
> many people are going to have installed.)

I don't think you will find any game assets from Doom in the Internet
Archive, as the game is still actively sold. But I buy your argument
about deutex being an obscure tool which even the people playing Doom
are unlikely to have installed on their systems.

 - Fabian
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