Bug#803930: game-data-packager: please add support to create icons from the game data

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Thu Sep 14 19:18:19 UTC 2017

On Thu, 14 Sep 2017 at 17:06:08 +0200, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> I just remembered this idea and I still think it would be great if we
> could use deutex and imagemagick to extract (and resize) possible icons
> from the WAD data that we are going to package.
> Any plans to implement this?

I have no plans to implement this (other people are better at Doom than
I am) but I'd be happy to review a patch. The place to put it would be in
DoomTask.fill_extra_files, in the game_data_packager/games/doom_common.py
"game plugin".

unreal.py in the same directory has some examples of converting game
files into icons, although they're downloaded from the Internet Archive
rather than extracted from game data. (Actually, that might not be a bad
idea for Doom - it would avoid relying on deutex, which realistically not
many people are going to have installed.)


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